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Show 1 ' "'" BJ qLARA KIMBAtL YbUNG: IN"THE CLAW" I -- I ' "To every man once In his life I comes a decision betweon supreme I right and Intolerable wrong." This I sentence" is from Cynthia Stockley's I famous novel, ".The Claw,'-' which I has been plcturlzed by Charles E. Whlttaker, and will be, the feature attraction on Friday and Saturday .1 aV'theiorrlo theatre., It is.thelatr I est Solent Picture nade by Clara ' I Kimball YoUng and , her own- com- I pany. . The senence. describes an absorb . I Ingly interesting and dramatic situ- I Ration that cqnfrpntB Maurice-Stair, K ti?o.t,ypM8cJngllBh,jresldent:,commls-Ai B sooner at tho outlying post where j ?Iay,jSaufia(CVf? Kimball Voimg 'j I conies to visit. iher. brother. Stair,.,! I falls n loyp 'withMary; she, how- I ever, has no eyes for any ono except j 'I ("MaJor Anthony Klhsella, familiarly I .callod "Klra.'-'jlie leader of tho gar- j rison forces, j B When tho natives rebel and tho -.j BJ Englishman rido out;, to supprcsa I tho .uprising, Stair returns. arid re- I ports that tho rest of tho, expedition H has- beon utterly willed but, and that I it was Kim's dying request that his' t H flanceo marry Stair. This she does ( only to learu later that her husband BJ is 'a coward and a deceiver. Stair's BJ tlmo for tho great- decision cornea When they hear of Kim's boln'g hdld BJ captive by a land Qf .Khfllrs In tho BJ ' 'i m neighborhood nnd dosplte the fact - .' " MFk H that Mary has decided to leave hMBBif B, Stair's lnnato manlinoss Is .brougljt I out. by tho chonco to save a follow- 1 Englishman. Ho pulls hlmsolf 'tp- ' gether and docs tho codragcoUs-- - thing, although tho prleo he 'pays for his rcdompUon is hl( llfo. |