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Show CIVIL SERVICE Washington, Sept.4The latest attempt of the Democrats of Congress Cong-ress to thrust aside the provisions of the civil service law has taken the form o'f an Insidious appeal to the patriotic sympathies of Senators and nepresentatives. A Senator from Tennessee proposed an amendment to the draft bill that no clval service test should be required of wives of soldiers and sailors applying for ! ' positions In the servlco of the United 'states. It Is difficult to combat a 'suggestion of that kind wlhout. being be-ing very much misunderstood by thd ! public. But Senator B Cummins of 'iowa arose with tho declaration that j the proposal was "fundamentally ' 'unsound and ought to be rejected." Senator Cummins and those supporting support-ing hjm stand ready to extend aid with tho utmost liberality to wives of dependent soldiers, but they aro not willing that the clval servlco of the Government should be further impaired by opening It to inefficient clerks, even though they may be the wives of soldiers. Due to the efforts of Senator Cummins -and other Republicans Re-publicans the amendment was defeated de-feated by a vote of 40 to 30. It is significant of the real Intent of he amendment to note that of the 30 votes cast ia its favor all but two were those of Democrats. |