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Show m ,'v. ,T' i ,.,, ,,. - Bi? HMHHJBPBMMa'lnBWuaeBa I K''' ' WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU BUILD rjligs Our stock is constantly being added to. It must meas- 1 Mfe' a3fm " ure up to a high standard. The prices are adjusted on El The many evidences of appreciation which we have JSfStmKP a basis to give us a fair business profit and they are i H' r received from builders and the increased demand for 9l9P '4MSUl99i maintained to all alike. jK- material encouraged us to carry a larger stock and BSgjteygSSjSBS ' jgf to endeavor to include every article that any builder - &5 ' Nfl matter what you buy from us, please remember fev might call for. We .usually have .m stock what ; our ,. - that the quality price and sei-vice are guaranteed. C ' customers want. If we have not we will get it for Jk svejjfJj jwmw kWft """ quality juiw. b p them . naerSOIJ anU We carry a most complete line of hardware and also .j p The merchandise we sell in all standard grade and we OtlCl the famous Sun-Proof Patten Paint in every conceiv- j R. ' like to feel that our own guarantee to customers in " 93m& Jf3 able shade and color. .. j IEl every transaction is backed up by reliable merchan- ' u-ic - TT . ' " i ; aise. Modern Hojnes let us quote you prices . j i LaBBBBBaBaBBBaaa HHMIHHHHHHHHilHiHHHiH LaaK. v - ( - H,r V,1 ' i( ,,J,Kijr1W. ''BssV.'lSi m ' ' - jm &"isjBsBsr bbbI i 1 SHr T treated and of exccllent'pro I I 1" 1EM I v, -portion, which just arrived I I -i ii. niTsB "''Vil"' from ourtailors at Fashion i. I tm I Park. Take a food look at I bsm'. r I the man illustrated, and, if 1 SK - TTa Waavc I e is of yor type 8teP in' I K; xc VVCaiD. . I and see the Preston. Custom I Bi'-: T'Vm iinish, without the annoy- tX ' XX1 ance of a try-on. v Preston wo.oo and $35.00 ?- READY TO PUT ON Satisfaction Guaranteed K., TAILORED AT, - 1 BV- FASHION PARK' - Emim m i mmmmmmmmmmmmal SBJSBJSBBBBm Jf i i ibrj I The MEN 'S Shop aaaaM' aaaaaaaaaaV m. 59 N. MAIN ST. LOGAN, UTAH SHaiaaaWaaaaaia)aaaaaaaaaaaaa Laaaaaaaaaaat LaaaaV''' ':'- saaaaaa' ' facte Is sscrs Catarrh, la -this seed at' the ceaattT the al ether sisiasw ae Meetker.:aa4 tor. rears Kwa sup-'. Biaa aa Pa MMftakBA wtn facsY bbbbV &yjBjaai M bbbj SPVtlweFlSJ AMtflaWV OTcaT!aPJat ajaaaa but ogBmgj ickjsjkf tjay BBBajBBBOJBeBeaBBBT StsBOBaaaaeK saaaf ""WW .Seiesl SaBSJU ecTvtaMBeSjSJIaV, jpVejSjsVSSItcPe It IseejritMe.' Catarrh ls a loeal etaey reatlr IssMcaeet ar ceeetHutlissl eea-JMleiar eea-JMleiar aad- tlwteiere reaulrM emctltu tleael tMatateat. Hal's Catarrh steel-Mm.- aMamtaetuteC by T. J. Cheney at Ce..Teleee.: Okie, ls .a eeeetltetleaal risiisy, is taken lateiaauy aad act kiae Meed coi'the-lMeoMS' tttrfaeeo c( the grstess. Cc,Ha4re Dollars w-vtit w-vtit is aSHris (craay case taat HaU'a Catarrh JfecktM falls ts cure. Mi for rtreelcrs 4-tlsilss SSbraJatSTPUIs for eoastleatloa. n i gaasegsaaaeaBBsssaussjsaaatsaBB gcaaassseaBBBBuaesi f Bear RiTtr Mutval fire Inrarance Company lgtmmyM ateatJBMBanuaacke, iMsJh' aad Wooer CiBsiilii Bhv tcTceaecyay "Tfco ldtJseJ v IWai eates Per Oeai of OU P 5V1""1" OcemeUt Seeretorte e Var. Be aaaaaaatl ssat 4tMaa- CatBJatatV TssMcW saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HOTICII OS HKARINO r 1 NoUce Is hereby girea that the application of this Utah, Idaho Cen- i tral Railroad Company forthe per- mission of the Publle UtillUos Com- fm mission of UUh to amend iU freight and passenger rates, rules and regulations regu-lations within the State of Utah, to conform to General Order No. 28 is- ' sued by the Director General of Railroads, Rail-roads, will be aeard before the Com- "f mission at ten o'clock A. M. f ' By order of the Commission. j Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, j this 6th day of August, 1918. v T. S. BANNING, ' f |