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Show SOLDO VOTE Washlnton, J Sept. 4 -(Special borresporillenoie)- fllpce .pbH ans are not in control of the national nation-al admlnstratlon, they areln-no poMtton to shape regulations or direct dir-ect official agencies for the purpose of facilitating the taking ofvotes of soldiers, in the American Expeditionary Ex-peditionary rorccj. Tho War Dopntt-ment Dopntt-ment has found so many difficulties difficult-ies in tho way of making (he votes that It Is probable that few soldier votes will bo counted In ho November Novemb-er elections. That Republicans are anxious to have soldiers given n chance to vote evident from tho expression ex-pression of many Republican edlors and Is also Indicated by a lotter recently re-cently wrlten by Chnltman Will II. , Hays of the Republican National Com mlttee In answer to an Inanity addressed ad-dressed to the chairmen of both qf tho leading political patlcs, by the editor ot tho American Army Oazetto Mr, Hays responded as folluwsj "I lmvo your lettur addressed to i Mr. McCredlo and mysolf, suggesting suggest-ing that wo take, some action to help preset vc the franchise of our men naw In the army. '"Tho end tu;rgestcd Is preeminently preeminen-tly proper. Wo are fighting today In Trance to mako cettaln that men shall foiover have tho tight to govern gov-ern themselves. That our own people who havo this privilege, should exercise ex-ercise It fully now and at nil times, I shall always most earnestly urge. '"That the men who aro fighting that othept shall havo this right should themselves, whllo thus engaged, en-gaged, bo protected as fully as possible poss-ible In its exercise Is but the simplest simp-lest justice, for tho accomplishment of which all men should certainly give their aid. To this end I will be glad to be ot any possible service consistent with the proprletes in tho premises, and I trust that your efforts ef-forts along this line will bring results. re-sults. Please advise me how I can cooperate." |