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Show THE 8KIRT SITUATION H Tho fashion editor of tho Woman's K Home Companion says: B "Let mo tell you of the skirt situ- I atlon. The hip fullness has surely H started on a downward course. Plait- V ed effects aro tho stylo. Plaits are fwt Introduced to give tho straightcr flg- ly&tro lino, but without cutting out any ftfdAf the fullness at the skirt edge. I'. "I assuro you, however, that th-jro I Is nothing monotonous about tho now I plaited skirts. There arc loose I plaits, pressed plaits, side plaits mid wldo and narrow box plaits. SormJ ot theso skirts are mado with yokes and then again the platted effect 1b. often broken with a panel. "Plaited plaid skirts will bo worn with tailored jackets of plain cloth, while velvet Jackets will bo worn with skirts of satin "or broadcloth. "Tho skirt .with the high waist lino Is here, you know I said there was a tendency toward Empire styles. "Paristo bo particular, tho hbuso or Murtlal et Armand has Introduced a Bklrt with a wide, straight front breadth mounted up to tho corsage onto a threo inch belt which fits the waist closely. To the lower edgo ot this belt, the material is gathered over ov-er a thick curd and tnen hangs perfectly per-fectly straight. There nro itrnlght side breadths and a wide back breadth In which the closing Is concealed." |