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Show HH io aaflaBBBBPm M Hi SI BHa? I RjfWTnkw I (KALL RAILROADS I bh NOTICE "" I Horses and Moles Wanted jB As I have been invited by farmers and others to pay I" another visit to Logan to buy horses and mules, I have so arranged to be at Thatcher's Livery Barn LOGAN Saturday9 Sept. 16, '16 JOHN TURNBULL, B Kansas City HH ,iUi.' ' v-" ' ' ' ' V '' ' ' j ..-' I 'l c . , ; . i r NOTE It you have any horses or mules to dispose of B t don't miss this opportunity to bring them in and show K me, as I am the only buyer in the United States buying B , horses going to their respective jobs, and pay the abso- B ' lute top price. No middle man on my job. . , J WW( TUfflfflLL ! -----what does that mean? 1 It means that NEW quality, in a cigarette, that does H 'for your smoking exactly what a drink of cold water does KO 'for your thirst! 9 To satisfy, a cigarette must do far more' than just fa r "plee" you it must let you know you've been smoking, ffl That's what Chesterfields do they satisfy! And yet H frhey're MILD! B For the first time in the history of cigarettes, here's 9 (a. cigarette that satisfies and yet is mild! Chesterfields! .Other cigarettes may be mild, but they don't satisfy. fN BUT, Chesterfields satisfy yet they're mild! M This is new enjoyment for a cigarette to give. It is m something that no cigarette, except Chesterfields, can 9 'give you-1 regardless of price. 9 Why? I Because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield ry Chesterfields today! 1 (d&?fZfyA Uomeeo Cat m m wsMa'V A fwriis ml m I v CIGARETTES Th. Chesterfield Blend M 4&m fET f 3 contain, (ha met f.mout TuikUh tobaccos S a . T A m M B W W IM -SAMSOUN for richn.M! CA VALLA for Til tm J aJtJt i I fci " 9 romai SMYRNA (or mettami XANTHl I fL V tf WF VJlaaiM M M for fragrance, combined with th. bett "fw W mJsl",w m SB domutlc leaf. U 20 foiC IOC and yet they're MILD J HOW TO GIVE GOOD ADVICE V Tho best way to give good advice Is to set a good example. When others oth-ers soq how quickly you get over, your cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy thoy aro likely to follow your example This remedy has been In use for many years and enjoys an excellent ex-cellent reputation. Obtainable everywhere. every-where. Adv. 8PEtyD SUNDAY WITH THE FOLKS I They'll be glad to soo you. Tho Ore- i gon Short Lino gives Sunday and N Week end .excursion, rales every, week. S Ask agenfs, for fetalis,. Adv, 946 1 'AivertUiitf at , the wjm$( km W At.- n J |