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Show B EXCURSION TO SALT LAKE CITY j September 15 and 10, return Soptcm- II ber 18, Scandinavian Annual Reunion I nt Pleasant Grove, Septembor 10 nnd 1 J7. Rato to Salt Lako nnd return: H From Hyde Vaik $4--5 jl From Logan, Mlllvlllc, Hyrura, am! M Wollsvlllo ?105 II From Mendon fi.hQ Direct connections at Salt Lako City M with Orem Electric for P.luwant kI Urovo. tWi Salt Lako to Pleasant Grove. ..Jl. SO if Cars every two hours. Via Tho Elects Elec-ts trio Way. Adv. ,1C SCANDINAVIAN ANNUAL REUNION Pleosoiit Grove, Soptombor 16 and 17. Uso the Electric Lines all tho way. Direct connections at Salt Lako with Orem Electric for Pleasant Grove. Rato to Salt Lako and return: From Hydo Park $1-25 From Logan, Mlllvillo, Hyrum nnd Wollsvlllo -"5 From Mendon $3.80 From Salt Lnko to Pleasant Orovo and return $1,80 Tickets on salo Soptember 15 nnd J6; return Septembor 18. Via Tho Electric Way. Adv. 9-16 PEACH DAY BRIGHAMEPT. 14 Everybody welcome, $1.25 for tho round trip, from Hydo Park, Logan and all points Including Mendon. (Tickets on sale, September 14; return re-turn September 15. Cars every two I lipurs; last car leaves Orlgham City at 12:12 a. ra. for Preston and Inter-aiediato Inter-aiediato points via The Electric Way. Ad 9-14 Advertise In season and out. Watch Our Subscription Lis! row Our subscription list ls daily growing. Watch tho new names which aro dally added to tho list. If you have a message to send to tho people of Cacho Valley, thero ,1s no better medium than Tho Logan Republican. Tho following aro new names added to tho list within tho past few days- Vera E. Noblo, SmlthtloM. Miss Mae Chambers, 1165 Pacific Avcnuo, Salt Lako City. A. S. .Williams, Trenton, Utah, Routo 1. J. U. Hamby, 27 South First East, Logan. Gottlieb Smith, 631 East Seventh North, Logan, J. S. Stoddard, Richmond, Utah. ' Cyrus Spackman, Richmond, Utah. H. T. Plant, Richmond, Utah. J. C. Johnson, Richmond, Utah. Hyrum Dalr, Richmond, Utah. ;j J Mllo McQulston, Richmond, Utah, ' Ray Van Noy, Richmond, Utah. ' ; ' A. L. Atkinson, Richmond, Utah. Martin Anderson, Richmond, Utah. , ''. Mrs. Allen Ricks Sugar City, Idaho, George Day, R. F. D. I. Richmond, Utah. v Georgo Y. Smith, Smlthfield, Utah. Margaret Johnson, Richmond, Utah. Edith Anderson, Richmond, Utah. Mrs, John N. Jonas, Richmond, Utah. Mao DIshop, Richmond, Utah. Mrs. J. L. Sorenson, Richmond, Utah. J. L. nateman, Richmond, Utah. W. T. Woodland, Richmond, Utah. ; L. A, Larson, Richmond t Utah. Mnrlo Christ lanson, Richmond, Utah. F. O. Johnson, Richmond, Utah. , Rufus Pack, Richmond, Utah. . ' ' Mrs. V. S. Pack, Richmond, Utah. Georgo E. nalr, Juniper, Idaho. E. A. Parson, King, Utah. (NOTICE OF BOND ! ISSUE AND SALE SEPTEMBER 22! i By the Board of Education of Logan City School District, Cache County, Utah Public notice Is hereby given .lint tho Hoard of Education of Logan City School District, Cacho Comity, Utah, will oiler for salo Eighty Then-Band Then-Band Dollars (?80,u00) bonds of tho Hoard of Education of Lo3nii City, Utah, on tho 22nd day of September, A. 1)., 1010 nt tho hour of 3 o'clock p. m. Said bonds will bear date tho first day ct Septcmbr, A. 1). 1916, and will be redeemable at tho option of tho said district on nnd after tho first day of September, A. 1). 1920, and will bo absolutely duo and pay-ablo pay-ablo on tho first day of September, A. I). 1936, benrlng Interest ut tho rato of four and one-half (114) per centum per annum, paynblo iomI-annually iomI-annually and consisting of eighty (SO) bonds in the dcuoniluttlmi of 6no thousand dollars ($1,000) each, both principal and Interest to be pay able at tho olllco of tho treasurer of said district in Logan City, Utah, or at the banking houso or Kr.unts Brothers, In the City and Stato of Now York, U. 8. A., at tho option of tho holder. All proceedings have been approved approv-ed by Persuings, Tltswortli .1 Fry, attorneys and counselors of Denver, Colorado, whoso approving opinion will accompany the bonds to tho purchaser. pur-chaser. Tho Dard 0f Kduca'ion of Logcn City School District, (,'achu Comity, Utah, Invites bids for said bonU unu no bids will bo considered whlsli nro not recslved by tho clerk of said heard on or beforo tho 22ul day of September, A. D., 1916 nt 5 o'clock p. iu. Tho said Hoard reserves tho right to reject ally nnd all bids offered. offer-ed. No conditional bids for the said bonds will be considered as the Hoard of Education will have tho complete records and blank bunds ready for delivery on tho day and (Into of salo. The delivery of tho bonds must bo accepted and the purchase price paid within threo days nfter tho award Is mado. All bids must bo nccorapanlcd by an unconditional cortlllcd check for $4,000 which check Is to bo forfeited for-feited in enso said bidder refuses to comply with tho terms of this advertisement. adver-tisement. Tho bonds nro to bo Bold by tho Hoard of Education of Logan cty School District for cash to the best nnd most responsible bidder and In no enso for less thnn their par vnlue and accrued Interest to (Into of do llery. Uy order of tho Board of l.ducn tion of Logan City School Dlstilct. OEORGli THOMAS, President. DAVID TARUET, Clerk. Adv. 9-2 |