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Show 1 f LOCAL NEWS) H A COLUMN OF WHICH 'EVERY READER IS A8KED ;' TO CONSIDER HIMSELF OR HERSELF AN EDITOR ! i H, '' The most recent named person to pB becomo'n candidate for tho nomlna H, ,' tlon of county recorder on tho Repub- Wj , ' llcan ticket Is Mrs. Emmn Baker Sor- Hi' i eiiBon of Mcndon. Mrs. Sorenbun B,j hns been n life long Republican. Vr She Is a graduate of the B. Y. Col- Hf lege and of tho U. A. G. film had VI taught school successfully nnd It Vv prominent In n church cnpnclty In B tho Hyrum stnko. Since tho death HB! of her hushnnd she hns had to work !r for n livelihood nnd whom sho Is i best known, sho Is liked tho best. Her h nomination will spell success at tho j polls, according to her friends who HH nro supporting her for this nomlna-' HB Tho Brlghnm Young Company of HB tho Daughters of tho Pioneers will HB meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 with BB Mrs. Joseph E. CJulnno.. Jr., at 1C7 BB West I'lrEt South street. A good at- BB tendance Is desired. bbbh BB BB ' Ilrlghnm Maughun of Wellsvllle, BB was In tho county scat on Tuesday BB und has announced his candidacy for BB the nomination for tho olllco uf coun- BB ty commissioner on the Republican BB tlcltot: Mr. Maughan has been a BHj lironang'.Ilcpubllcan, having content- BH- cd -himself to work In tho ranks of BH tho party. Ho Is n man of excellent BBT habits and of good judgment. Ills BH friends will work for his nomination. BJ Tho Zlna II. Young Camp of tho H Daughters of tho Pioneers will meet BH with Mrs. Chnrles Goodell at 432 BH North Fourth Hast, on Friday nfter- BH noon, September 15 at 3 o'clock. A BH good attendance is desired Prof. Lorenzo Sartlonl, the new supervisor su-pervisor of music for the Cacho county coun-ty district schools, was in Lognn yesterday yes-terday nnd Jn company with Prdf. L. 11. Humphorys of tho U. A. G. fnc-ully fnc-ully -wns nbout the city getting acquainted ac-quainted with local friends of Mr. Humpherys. Mr. Snrdont comes to Cache well recommended for the position po-sition of supervisor of music. Ho has been In tho church schools f the Summit stake, Fielding, Hicks and Gila ncademles. He spent two years In each of theso schools. 'While Mr. Sardonl Is of South American birth, ho still maintains that no one has It 'over him on this score, as ho Is nn .American. . Elders J. E. Hickman and LoRer RJarnason will bo tho speakers In tho Tnbernncle on Sunday nftcrnoon at 2 o'clock. Special music will bo rendered by the choir. Dnrgnlns In .second hand Fords. Kimball Auto Co. Adv. tf President W. C. Parkinson of Hyrum Hy-rum Is Baid to bo n candldato for tho nomination of county commissioner on the Republican ticket nt tho convention con-vention to bo held Snturday. Life's too short, don't walk, ?10 down und $10 n month will buy you n good easy running bicycle .Dcsan-dors, .Dcsan-dors, tho blcyclo man. Adv. tt Thomas K. Obray, tho Paradise rheep man, loaded on the car about 2000 head of fat lambs at the Sugar Factory stock yards on Tuesday lor the oaulern market. m Found A reolver between Logan nnd Hyilol'nrk. Owner can get namo by Identifying and paying for this nd. Following a thorough cleaning, tho Smart gymnasium Is ready for tho fall opening of tho U. A. C. Tho building hos been repainted throughout. through-out. Tho big plunge, after being emptied and thoroughly dried, has been painted and Is ready for use. New locker space baB been provided nnd a new locker room for the uso of tho athletic teams has been arranged. ar-ranged. Olllco rooms for Coach Watson, Wat-son, MrH. JohtiBon, tho wonmn's nln-letic nln-letic director; Lieut. Snntschl nnd Dr. n, O. Porter will bo located In tho gymnasium. Complete equipment equip-ment for tho laboratory and olllco of Dr. It. O. Porter, medical supervisor of the students of tho U. A. C. has been Inetnlled In tho sulto of rooms occupied by Dr. Porter in tho Smart i;.mnaslum, Danco! dance! danco! Auditorium, Saturday evening. Enlarged orchrs-tra. orchrs-tra. Adv. 0-14 Copy for a bulletin on the Irrigation Irriga-tion of wheat published by the Experiment Ex-periment Station of the U. A. C, has Just gono to tho printers. Tlio bulletin will bo ready for distribution In tho near future. I Mrs. Emily K. Perry of Washing-Ion Washing-Ion D. C, hns been In Lognn the ' pnst few day's In tho Interest oi the National Women's Party. A meeting meet-ing was hold Tucbdny afternoon at tho resldenco of Mrs. Hcmlrlckson, 135 East Center street, nnd Mrs. Hen-drlckson Hen-drlckson was appointed chairman of tho Cacho county brunch of tho Women's Wo-men's party and Mrs. Margaret Mor-roll Mor-roll and Mrs. J, A. Hulmo, Mrs. Orion Or-ion Smith, vlco chairman; Mrs. V. I. Cranney, secretary. Other members mem-bers of tho committee wcro Mrs. Lo-tttla Lo-tttla Dunn, Mrs. 'Fred Smith, Mrs. Thomas Smart, Mrs. Amelia Cardon. This commlttco will appoint chairman chair-man for tho different wards and precincts pre-cincts In tho county. A largo mooting moot-ing Is being arranged for In October. m i Persons who have any vegetables, fruits or grains fit for tho Cache county coun-ty .exhibits at tho Stato fair, should communlc.ato with N. R, Jlroby of Wcllsvlllpj tato fair agent for Cacho cfluntyj and he will call nnd pay for same'. Adv. 9-23 : An exhibit showing "tfic i "Fffocls t varying afoounts of water nnd mn-nitre mn-nitre on the growth of wheat is being Jptcpnred'by Dr. F, S. Harris, Director Direc-tor of tho Experiment Station of the U." A,.'lj. nnd Mr. C. L. Duufoitt, for tho International Irrigation nnd Dry Farming Congress to bo held nt El Paso, Texas, October 14 to 24. This exhibit, which w-as 'authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture, will Include a big relief map of Utah, showing the dry fvm and Irrigated wheat areas, n model showing the proclpltutlf over tho State, and a largo number of models showing the production of wheat under un-der every conceivable condition that might arlso in an arid climate. The William D. Preston Camp of the Daughters o( tho Pioneers will meet nt tho home of Mrs. William Appcrley on Canyon road, Friday afternoon af-ternoon nt 3 o'clock. A good attendance attend-ance is desired. . , Lost Lady's gold watch between P-enson school and Fifth Enst, Inst Sundny. Finder pleaso return to this office for rewnrtl. Adv 0-14 m A comprehensive group 'of exhibits . will bo sent to Salt Lako this woek from the U. A. C. for tho Stato Fair. These exhibits will bo housed In a special building belonging to tho college. In the main room of this structure, occupying tho center of tho room will bo thrco largo booths ono dovoted to each of tho main divisions di-visions of the college, tho collcgo proper, tho Experiment Station nnd the Extension Division. Get your clothes dry cleaned and pressed. Logan Cleaning nnd Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tf With faculty members beginning to return from their vacations and students stu-dents already beginning to arrivo, I things are rapidly being put in readiness readi-ness for the opening of the U. A,. C. on Tuesday, September 10. Tho sjfctem Inaugurated last year of requiring re-quiring that lines be paid by all students stu-dents who are late In getting registered, regis-tered, worked so well that It will bo continued this fall. Uy this means Into registration, which results In eo much loss of time at tho beginning of tho -year, Is largely avoided. The Wllford Woodruff Camp of tho Daughters of tho Pioneers will meet with Mrs. Annlo Smith at 172 Hast Second South on Friday afternoon after-noon at 3:30 o'clock. A good attend-nnco attend-nnco Is desired. First year students should reglstoil at the B. Y. College, Saturday, Sep tembor 10 between tho hours of 8 nnd fi. Adv. 9.10 Tho Daughters of tho Pioneers Hand Card Company will meet at tho homo of Mrs. ', K. Bobbins, 271 East Third North, at 3 o'clock this nftcrnoon. If you want nil of tho plcasuroi of an ocean resort without any of the dangers visit Ideal Beach. Tw ami a half hours from .Lognn. Adv. tf m Hns Rnsmusscn hnB been success ful In unloading his entlro car load of peaches at a fair profit. Tho peaches peach-es seem to bo pretty scarco this sea-ton. '"Itoal Jcppepori of Brlghanf Cltir was In Logan yesterday and ho wai boosting for tho litg pencil tlaycole-bratfon tlaycole-bratfon today. Tho fact ;that Captain Moronoy, the avlatorV will give n Might at Brlgham City today, ' will draw' a great crowd to tho Peachlcsl city In Utah. Two 'and ono hnlf hours to Ideal Beach on beautiful Bear Lake through the famous Lognn canyon. Tho nrca of the Bsar Lake is 140 square miles. Altitude 6924 feet, ell-mabo ell-mabo Is ideal, being cool, clear, refreshing re-freshing nnd invlgornlliiB. .Adv tf Dancel dancel dance! Auditorium, Saturday evening. Enlarged orchestra. orches-tra. Adv. 0-14 First Class cafe at Ideal Beach. Adv. tf That Logan Is well supplied with Ammunition, Is shown by tho window decoration in the Logan Arms nnd Sporting Goods Company which has upwards of 7000 shotgun shells on display. To make tho window attractive, attract-ive, Mr. H. Stoney, the, decorator, has added somo raro specimens of mounted birds in tho window which uro suggestive of tho opening of tho xbootlug season tor ducks on October first. , ) ' For bargains In school shoes call at Newbold's. Adv. 0-14 W. G. Thompson of Richmond was in Logan yesterday on business. m Who cleans nnd presses your clothes? Lognn Cleaning nnd Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tf 1 Dance! danco! dancel Auditorium, Saturday evening. Enlarged orchestra. orches-tra. Adv. 9-14 m Lawn tennis at Ideal Beach, Two and a half hours from Logan. -Adv. tf MAyor Thatcher, Moso Cardon and E. P. Bacon, havo gone Into Curlew Valley on a chicken hunt. Mr, Niels rV Broby of Wcllsvllle bus announced' himself as candidate for county commissioner on the P.e-publican P.e-publican ticket. A. W. Cownn, mnnagcr of t he Western Arms Sporting Goods Company, Com-pany, has been In Logan on business this week. Tito duck shooting season opens on October 1. And ammunition houses in this city arc getting ready for a good season. The ducks neem to hi. more'1 plentiful than over. Tho Idaho ducks havo coma into Utah as tho Idaho season opened on September 1 and as the shooting has been going on thero tho ducks havo coino into this State for protection. Wo can thereforo look for good shooting this 'season. - Chris Balling of tho Sixth ward had n disastrous llro early on Tuesday Tues-day morning when his barn, farm mneyinery, King 8 automobllo and several tons of hay were burned to tho ground. Tho llro Is of unknown origin. Somo aro of tho belief that foul play Is responsible Tlio damage Is nbout $3,000 with ?G00 Insurance. A team of horses went up with tho test of tho pioperty. Mrs. Louis Llnnartz und daughter, Anna will lenvo on Saturday for Now York to join Miss Ermna Llnnartz. Tho Llnnartz's will visit in tho cast for nbout a year, according to present pres-ent plans. Lorln A. Merrill has purchased tho D. I. Younkcr farm In North Logan, having traded his elegant home In tho Logan Sovcnth ward thereon. Tho Morrllls wore moving to tho now farm yesterday. Prof. JolniBon will enroll students In prlvato vocal and piano beginning Monday, September 18. Call at C. B. Johnson, College Hill, or phono 300 for appointments. Prof. Johnson 'has studied with BOino of tho best teachers In America, including Geo. 'Hamlin of tho Chicago Grand Opora Company, in voice, and A. Cyril Gra-(ham Gra-(ham of the Columbia Music College 'of Chicago in piano. Ho has had ten lyears of practical experlcnco as associate as-sociate professor of volco and piano with .Prof. Lund of the B. Y. U. Music School. Prof. Johnson has sung tho loading rolo in Priscllla, Er. 'mlnlo, PInnforo, Bulbul, The Boggai-Student, Boggai-Student, Boccaclo, Iolantho, Daughter of tho Regiment, Tho Sun Danco nnd Tho Oratorio Elijah. Ho has appeorcd In' all of the leading cities of Utah In opera nnd as vocal soloist. Adv. "The Eliza H. Snow Camp of tho Daughters of tho Pioneers will meet on F'rlday at 3 o'clock at tho home o7rrs, C. P. ' Cardon," 60' South FouHh West street. '1" |