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Show I MR. MG CRACKEN I" FOB CLERK OF CACHEJOUNTY Smlthfield Will Ask Republican Convention Con-vention On Saturday To Name Most Popular Candidate Smlthfield will conio to Logan on Saturday, September 16, and before the Republican County Convention, will place In nomination the nnmo of Mr. Henry McCracken for tho olllco of county .c'ork. There 1h not a Ho-publican Ho-publican In Caclio county, wo believe, who cannot Join with Secretary I'll-kliiRton, I'll-kliiRton, In what ho has to Bay about Mr. McCracken's qualifications. Hcio I A Republican primary was held a: Smlthfield, September 11, for tho pur-yoBO pur-yoBO of selecting fourteen delegates to attend the county convention to bo held at Logan on September 16, the following named persons wero elected to attend this convention: j. J. Melklo, Joseph J. Richard-son, Richard-son, Henry McCracken, C. E. Peter-ton, Peter-ton, Georgo P. Toolson, n. II. Thorn-ley,' Thorn-ley,' S. P. Ewlng, William L. Winn, W.' II . Smith, Charles McCann, Rich-nrd Rich-nrd Roskclloy, Samuel Nelson, C. P. Toolson, It. B. Thornley. I want to say Mr. Editor that It was tho most enthusiastic Republican Republic-an Primary I have evor attended and natural enough ,lt was asked, what does tho Republicans of Smlthlleld want In tho way of county offices at the coming convention? Tho question was very soon settled. Wo want our fellow townsman and llfo long Republican Repub-lican Henry McCracken, as county clerk to occupy the chair so recently made vacant by the death of our highly esteemed friend and brother A. n. Chambers. wg Mr. McCracken Is well qualified tu Vm fill the position of county clerk with 'L dignity nnd honor, having taught "Kl school In our district schools. Ho Is also the head of tho McCrackon Fur-I Fur-I :ilturo store. Wo have observed tho m conduct of Mr .McCracken and do herewith most cheerfully and unlies-m unlies-m Itatlngly express our entire confl-jjl confl-jjl denco In his integrity ns n true Roll Ro-ll publican and a trustworthy, vollablo m business man, bearing n good roputa- tion for honesty nnd business abll-iftl abll-iftl Ity, whoro best known, wo can con-HI con-HI sclcnttously rocommend him to tho Ijl forthcoming convention and to tho forthcoming convention nnd to tho I voters of Cacho county ns n man who l eminently qualified to fill this P-I P-I sltion. |