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Show I AMERICAS GIFT Over $10,000,000 Given For Relief of Delgium; France Gets ' $2,000,000 Washington Sept. 20. America's ;UtH to tlio sixty prlnclpnl war rei llof Bocletlcii nre ostlmntcd at $28, SDG.277 by tlie new year book of tlio CarncRe Enilowmont for Internntlon-nl Internntlon-nl Peace being distributed today, ' Seven million dolhirs of this went Into the $80,000,000 raised from all sources for tho commission for relief i luud raised $3,085,000 and other socl- p i ties ndded $184,000 making a grand " ', total for Helgtums of $10,209,000 or "" 9 over one third of America's total con- ;'; trlbutlons. ( H Twelve organizations raised moro l H than $2,000,000 for France spcclflcai k JM ly, while $594,000 was raised for l-l England $12,000,000 for Russia and p. 8 $313,000 for Serbia. This, with tho 'ft H llulglnn total makea a grand total for l'I tho entente allies of $13,000,000 not jf I J Including some $.5,000,000 of Amcrlc fpH mi Red Cross funds which wore largo- -B ly used In allied countries. fl Tho Oerniun Red Cross received f $2,750,000 from this country, with 1 'fl three Ocrni.in American relief bodies, fl bringing tho entlro central power con- trlbutlons to $3,750,000. ? fl Contributions for dependent nation- vS nlltles nffected by tho war's ravages f'M total over $9,000,000. Hyvfnr tho larg-' larg-' 'S est slnglo fund of this sort Is that of i tlio Atuorlcan Jewish relief commit-,'9 commit-,'9 lee, $1,000,000 to ihlch should bo add--.wk cd ulmost $900,000 moro from tho ccn-' ccn-' 'Hj tral commltteo for tho relief of Jows LB and $323,000 from tho people's relief ( ;H committee for tho Jewish war sulfer- iJHL Tho Poles have received $473,000 JFBT nml the Syrians and Armenians $430,-. kfl 100. I Lfflt The American Red Cross has re-, I'H celved from all sources $3,231,000 In-' ,HF eluding $051,000 from its New York 1 HJ ntato board. |