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Show I iiSBv "e Buy 1 wmm ' J& Eriric; anil I Our Prices I Are Always at the Top 1 No quantity too large I For Us To Handle I Cactie Valley Commission Co. I ' LOGAN, UTAH I $ Toilet Articles i H $ There's preat satisfaction in v.?ing toilet goods that come f H from our store. In them you have the assurance of honest H materials and pure chemicals. You couldn't get anything B more worth while any where. COME AND SEE ottr dis- H play of line soaps for the complexion and bath scented t H waters, perfumes, cold creams, cosmetics, manicuresetst H f lotions, hair tonics, skin foods, combs, brushes, sponges f H and the like. - Agencj for Ansco Cameras and Supplies. " f I City Drug Company I I Main Street, LOGAN . ; v my ' ' LB S ? H 4s$s.$'jtS"'i-t H ; " r iUl jpZ '"p'HIS picture shovs a I 3) l3i vL woman of Salvador, I - PVS Central America, making I WoCr'",ssJF tortillas. She would not be I V1"1 wasting her time doing this I if she had access to the good things in our bak- I ery where we produce the I Many Good Things to Eat 1 upon which this community is feasting every 1 day bread, cakes, pies, doughnuts, cookies and 3 other good things with the tasty flavor of the I home kitchen. They look as good as they taste. Quality and cleanliness are the twin mottoes of tilts baker) at all times. & I Royal Bakery and Coffee House I I Main Street Logan, Ut. I I MAX JOHNSON JOHN OHLIN WORDS FROM HOME Statements That May Be Investigated. Testimony of Logan Citizens When a Logan citizen comes to the front, telling htg friends and neighbors neigh-bors of his experience, you can rely upon his sincerity. The statements of people residing In far away places do not command your tonlldeuce. HOmo endorsement Is the kind that back's Doan's Kidney Pills. Such testimony is conUnclng,' Investigation Investiga-tion proves It true. Below Ss u statement state-ment of a Logan resident. No stronger strong-er proof of merit can bo had. T. 11. Davis, proprietor of Depot Store, 22 South Sixth West Btreet, Logan Lo-gan says: ,"1 had pains In niy back and cx-tremo cx-tremo lameness across tho loins. Sonie't lines I could hardly get up or 'down from a chair and It was dllllcult to get about the store. 1 was also annoyed an-noyed by the Irregular action of tho kidneys, felt languid and had no energy. en-ergy. Doan's Kidney I'llls procured at HIter Bros. Drug Store, gave mo I posttlvo relief after other medicines had failed. I was surpriicl at their prompt and lasting 'effect." OVER FIVE YEARS LATER, Mr. Davlg Said; "I use Donn's Kidney Pills occasionally and always got good results." l'rlce 50c, at fll dealers. Do not" slmpjy ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney I'llls tho same that Mr. Davis Iras twlco publicly recommended. recom-mended. Foster-Mllburn Co., Proprietors, Propri-etors, Buffalo, New York. Adv. Be loyal to your stato and patron-tte patron-tte Utah Industries. CHICHESTER S PILLS -T Lttdlcut Atkyfttirllntrnlalffff A kSa JJil ektrterl li..i..n. TlrdfV fMlCv MiU in Itrd t..l tioiu n.tulBtW .wM i.jiii, settled w'th Clue RILicn. lVvTL6Mlhp Itnr or ., v flf llrnr.l.t. Aikfof ll. III'.K-TEn I". jf iiiaVu.m) iut.M rn.i.K, r, c a fji ycail known ai Lcil.Safcit. n Wayt UelUli' p cni r nv ponr.fiTc. r-TnurBF Legal Notices PRCHA.TE AND QUAn3IAN8HIP NOTICE Consult the County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Johanna C. S. Jolmnsen, Deceased. Creditors 'will present I claims with voucher to the undor-slgncd'Bt'lholf undor-slgncd'Bt'lholf residence In Logan City, Cache' ;County,v Utah, on or be (ore tho 14th day of July A. D. 1917. Date of first publication, September 12, A. D. 1916. CHRISTIAN HALLINd, HEZEKIAH E. HATCH, '4 Gxecutors. , ASA IJULLEN, -; Attorney. Adv. 1 10-1G NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'matter of tho Estate- of Alma F. Purser, Deceased. CVbdllors .will present claims with, vouchern to tho undersigned at hey roahjinco In Den-sou, Den-sou, Oncho County, Utah, on or pe-fore pe-fore the ICtli .day of January, 191C. rJato o"f first imbllcatfon. Septcm-nor Septcm-nor n, 1916. '; , i JULIA H, PUnSER, Admlnlstratrfx'. WALTERS & HARRIS, t . Attorneys. Adv. 10-n , NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In tho matlcr of tho Estate of .Mary AUce Keltman, Deceased. Creditors will prescnl claims wjth 'veuchers to tho uudorslgnod at his rcsldenco In lltchmond, Cucliq gounty, Utah on or before tho '12th day of January, 1917. Dato of flrst publication, September Septem-ber 7, 1910. AROET L. WHITTLE, Administrator. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attorneys. dv. 10-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho Matter of tho Estato of Lovl C. Smith, Deceasod. Crodltors will Pi eHent claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at his rcsldenco In Paradise, Para-dise, Cache County, Utah, on or before be-fore tho 12th day of January, 1917. Dato of first publication September 7. 1910. THOMAS K. ODRAV, Administrator with will nnnoxed of Estato of Levi O. Smith, Deceasod. WALTERS &. HARRIS, Attorn oys. Adv. 10-10 8HERIFF8 SALE In tho District Court of Caclio County, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plaintiff, Plain-tiff, versus William D. Hopo and Zlna Hopo, Defendants, To bo sold nt sheriff's ft1o on tho 30th day of September, Sep-tember, 1910 nt 1 o'clock P. w of the said day at tho front door of the county court house, Logan Cache County, Utah: Lots eight (8) and nlno (9), block two (2). plat 11, Smlthllcld City Survey, Sur-vey, Cache County Utah. J. H. DARKER, Sheriff. Adv. n-30 SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court, Cache County, Coun-ty, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plaintiff, ersu3 Gco-ge A. Lyon and Sarah A. Lyon, his wife, Defendant. To bo sold nt sheriffs galo on the 30th day of September, 1910, at 1 o'clock of tho said ilay, nt the front door of the .county couit house, In Logan, Cache County, Utah: Tho south half of lots six (0) and seven (7), block fourteen (M), plat. A, Smlthfteld City Sunoy, situated lh Smlthfteld, Cache County, Utnh, to-geiht'rw'th to-geiht'rw'th nil water rights thereto. ,'. ' J.' II , DARKER, Sheriff. Adv. , 9-30 SHERIFF'S SALE In tllo District Court, Cacho County, Coun-ty, Utrt'li. Eda M. I'lcot, plaintiff vs. James O. Taylor, Mary Alice Taylor and yilllam I'ctorson, defendants. To be sold at sheriff's sale on tho 19th day 6f September, 1910 nt tho hour of 11! o'clock noon of the said day, nt tho front door of the court house, In Logan City, Utah. Beginning at the northeast corner of lot eight (S) .In block two (2) plat "D" Logan City Survey and running thence west sixteen six-teen (1C) rods; thenco south live (5) rods! thence east sixteen (16) rods; thenco' north fWo (G) rods to the placo of beginning. J. II. DARKER, Sheriff. Adv. , " 9-23 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAX Notice Is hereby given by tho Hoard of City Commissioners of Logan Lo-gan City, Utnh, of the intention of such Hoard to make tho following de- ncrlbed improvement to-wlt: To lay and construct n sower lateral lat-eral of concrete or vltrltled plpo from six (6) to tight (8) Inches In diameter, diamet-er, and a drainage lino of four (4) Inch tllo on Second North street from First West to Sixth Wen streets In Sewer District No, 4, according to tho plans and prollles on tile in tho olllco 'of the City Engineer, and to do-trajthe,L do-trajthe,L cost, and expenso thereof, i summed" at se"yenthousand "Hve hundred hun-dred i7,600) .dollars by n local as-1 scsfl)ment upon tho .lots, blocks and j pieces of land affected nnd benefited I by said Improvements,, to-wlti Lots B and 6, block 20, lots 5, 0, 7 and S block 21; lots 5 and 0 block 22; lots 5, 6, 7 and S block 23; lots 3 and 4, block 24; lots 1, 2 nnd 3, block 2uJ lots and 2 block 26; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 27; lots 1 nnd 2 block 23; nd lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 29; all In Plai 4, Logan Qlty Survey. Tho said istefismcnts to bcpald In live annual 'payments. All protests and objections to tho carrying out of bucIi intention must be presented In writing and fllod with tho City Recorder Re-corder on or before the 2Gth dayi or September 191C, at C o'clock p. ml vat which tlmo tho Board of Commissioners Commission-ers of ,Logau C'ty will meet and ntnv such 'objections as may liavp been properly prescnted . l)y order of tho Board of Commissioners, Commis-sioners, of Logan CItj; Utah W. H.. LARSEN, J 'L'x-OHlcIo City Recorder. Date of first publication, Ssptcrobcr 7; dnto of. last publication, September Septem-ber 25. Adv. ' , 9-20 State of Utnh, H Secretary of State's Office M I, David Mnltson, Secretary of j ' H Slate of tho State of Utah, do here- ' fl l,y certify that tho foregoing is n i M full, true and correct copy of SEN- M ATE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER ' MCiHT proposing an auiomliuc-nt to H Aitlcle l.'t of the Constitution of tho , ! jH State of Utnli, relating to revenue nnd 9M taxation ns appears of record in my ! M olllco. .' In WitncsB Whereof, I hnvo hnreun- u M to set my hnud nnd alllxed (he Croat J Seal of tho Stato of Utah, this 22ud I 'W day of August, 1916. -jH DAVID MATTSON, I ' SEAL Secretary of Stato I H Adv. 1W I PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE "l CONSTITUTION. HOU8E JOINT ! RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX ? m A Joint Resolution providing nu ifl amendment to Section 17, Artlclo 7, ! H of tho Constitution of the Stato of t . H Utah, relating to the duties of tho H Auditor and of the Treasurer. , Bo It enacted by tho Legislature ot -H tho Stuto of Utah: fffl Two-thirds of all the members I ' H elected to each of tho two Houses ' '"SjH concurring therein: , j Section 1. That It Is proposed to :SB amend Section 17, Artlclo 7, of tho I ,iH Constitution of tho Stato of Utah, so U that the samo will read as follows: "" 5?jW 17. Tho Auditor shall he Auditor ''' of public accounts. Tho public mon- ill oys shall bo deposited by the Treas- , jl in,er, under tho supervision of tho f B Board of Examiners, and as uroWdo'j ' by law. j&fl Section 2. Tho Secretary of Stato Is hereby directed to submit this pro- jH posed amendment to the electors of f iho Sf.ito at tho next general olec- $ tlon In the manner provided by law. tlfl Section 3. If adopted by the olec- EM tors of the Stato, this nmendment P shall tako effect January 1, 1917. El Approved, March 17, 191C. HI State of Utah, Ml Secretary of State's Office HI I, David Mnttson, Secretary of Stato HI of tho Stato of Utah, do hereby cor- Kill tlfy that tho foregoing Is a full, truo pSl und correct copy of HOUSE JOINT PEI RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX pro- F vlding an nmendment to Section 17, BAI Article 7, of the Constitution ot the MR I Stato of Utah, relating to the dutlea Hi I of tho Auditor and of tho Treasurer, I H as appears on record In my ollice. L"l In Witness whereof, I have horeun- ytW to t-ct my hnnd and nlllxed tho great Pl real of tho Stato or Utah, this 22nd h day of August, 1916. B DAVID MATTSON, frffl SEAL Secretary of Stnto Efflfl Adv. 11-7 till Cache Valley II Sheet Metal II iflt Works i J. H. STAVNER, Proprietor all Agent for the Fox Furnace Wm Hot Air Furnace; Ventilating, wmm Cornice and Gutter Work lym a Specialty HH 126 N. Main Street H I Logan, Utah ! H |