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Show i I YOU DON'T KNOW BEANS 'til You've Tasted ' 1 f 1 ALWAYS GOOD ALWAYS PURE ' ALWAYS READY i ; I APPETIZING SATISFYING GRATIFYING - s ( I' I fgjga ft mmziZttzswzjmmzw I PIERCE'S FOOD PRODUCTS tLJM0li UTAH'S YEAR-ROUND CANNERY 3 This list of delicious goodies packed in cans includes fMMk ':-""f.r rffitii v Pierce's Food Products are the output of Utah's j H foods that are just right for every and any meal. Wnfltft ffltJtLl? ffi'af$ Year-Round Cannery, the pioneer plant of tlie State, jjj jfj Pierce's Pork and Beans has become the favorite Wfi W al) $&r wnere '10 mo,t modn methods of packing foods S of the entire west and is rivalled in popularity by 'Vjfih S. 1 lOTt are employed. Expert chefs utilizing the best re- ffl j Pierce's Tomato Catsup, Pierce's Tomatoes, Pierce's , )f yM 3rvH , -rijrf i?W ""'' cipes for foods are constantly working to give per- M S Table Syrup, Pierce's Hominy, Pierce's Sauerkraut, lyM YdJyfrJjl llflihc fection to these canned goodies. Careful attention H E Pierce's Tomato Soup, Pierce's Tomato Puree and ir&j&fy S AND Sfl Wm'J&J is given to every detail of food production from tje M S other Pierce's Products. You will find them un- "$ Sh 1" -JCt "TT?iJl Wj&w time tne eed are Planted m the fic,d until yu A B 3 excelled H'i'Jk 'UX iV 10$$' ceive t'ie 8od from yur grocer's shelves. 9 I ?mzmzM:$m7imz2i PSSSi $$$$mmmmmm I 1 1 ;l . 1 J ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THE CAN WITH THE STRIPED LABEL IT'S THE SIGN OF MOST DELICIOUS REPASTS 8 I , SANITARY PACKED, EVERLASTINGLY BACKED BY I n ;' . I The TJtetli. Canning Company I f , I "The Daddy of 'em All" . OGDEN SINCE: 1883 U MJLlLLiiLilaffH BbAbAbJ P J I I M bBABHl flKiJs'JI:fcug$H I PERFECT FOR SHORTENING, I I DEEP FRYING; COOKING I I ENDORSED BY DOMESTIC SCIENCE EXPERTS I I Open-Kettle Rendered I "LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE" I I From Pure Pork Fats I I "MOUNTAIN" BRAND HAM and BACOIJJ " 1 TASTY AND SAVORY I M MORE LEAN, LESS FAT I SHOULD NOT BE PARBOILED I I OGDEN PACKING AND PROVISION CO. I (iKNKUAL OKFIGKS, OC1D12N I t |