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Show aW V iaa HIS JOB EASY "My married a'stcr quite often leaves her three small boys for mo to lovo, honor and obey whllo sho goes shoppng," related the bachelor., bachel-or., it is not so much of n task as you might Imaglno, cither. Among othor things tho llttlo lads aro passionately pas-sionately fond of attaching tin cans to dogs ta'ls, I keep a larger boy employed to provide tho necessary mateilal. Some days ho appears with as many as 1C dogs and cans, and my ncphows havo n delightful tunc tlon. Tho eldest has evolved a plan for tlncannlng 10 dog at ono tlmo nnd letting them all off together. Tho result Is everything that ho or anybody else could ask. It Is very easy to keep children amused if you only know how." |