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Show LIEUT. HOWELL SENDS WORD TOJROTHERS Lieut. Reese Maughan Howell of this c'.ty has Just written his brothers broth-ers William M., and Luther, that ho has been promoted from the rank of second lieutenant to that of first lieutenant. Mr. Howell graduated from West Point In tho class of 1915 and was I uppolntcd to tho first cavalry of the U. S. A. with headquarters at Mon-teroy, Mon-teroy, California. In March of this yeur his company was scut to iho Mux can border. Mr. Howell says thero Is considerable consid-erable excitement along tho hnnlnr and his company Is kept In readiness knowing no,t what minute thoy may be called to go into tho Interior. Mr. Howell glves full instructions to his brothers with reforenco to his affairs In caso of his death and do-elrcs do-elrcs to be remembored to all relatives rela-tives and frlemlB. Lieut Howell Is tho fourth son of Congressman and Mrs. Joseph How-ell, How-ell, and Is 25 years of ago |