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Show IOWA'S WEALTH IS STAGGERING. In the July" American Magazluo Herbert Quick says; "Iowa's wealth Is staggering. Her farms are worth moro than all trcso of Maine, Now Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Connec-ticut, New J-jrsoy. Dolawnre, Maryland, Mary-land, West Vliglnta, South Carolina, Florida, Mabamn, Arlnina, Utah, Nevada Ne-vada New Mexico, Montana and Wy omliii; combined. Hor farm buildings ure of more value than all those of New Hampshire, Vcnnont, Hhodo Is land, Delaware, Florida, Louis una, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Arkansas, New Mexico, Utnh, Nevada, Washington Washing-ton Oregon and West Virginia combined. com-bined. Tho live stocc Industry In Iowa is now suffering from depression I ut her He stock Is worth moro than all that ot Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, llhcdn Island, Is-land, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Dela-ware, Maryland, Florida, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, West Virginia, Lollsl-una, Lollsl-una, and Now Mpxu-o combined. "She Is flfteenln In papulation among tho states, and twrjity-tMid In area; but sh ranks first In total value of farm products, In value of llvo stock, In vnluo (if farm propnr'y Improved. In norcentaiw of to'.al area In farms, In number of uutomoblloj rer thousand of population, in tllo value of her horses. In t ho valiio of her cattle, In tli, uluj of her swine, In poultry, In egg production, In farm Implements, In tonnnga of tora;o crops In splto of tho alfalfa of Kansas Kan-sas and tho West In corn production. produc-tion. Her wheat crop la of greater value than that of all Canada or tho Argentine.. Her corn crop Is worth moro In money than all tho Iron tiro, Or nnthraclto coal, or pettoluum products, pro-ducts, or tho gotd, copper, or slvcr of all the United Stales. Tho tattle sho markets every voir are worth moro than tho whole tobacco crop ot tho United States." |