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Show c. that appo'i knows when), gone clscwho weddings ml tbw months couple tan ki it permanent! ALCOHOL Thero aro I In America c drinks alcoho that not only drink whllo ol keep clear of places while this excommu) corn are tht which general G, tho m'ght'i nt alcohol Inf roads aro not great lndustrll thnt alcohol i dents, lnefllcle men's Camper! stntes havo he eyes, and busi keep ng them PERSHII towns'; mexica' 5 Takes Nueva Ci sat Grandes; Who Rage A El Pnso, Texa John J. Pcrsh'n expeditionary foi can towns of N and Cnsas Graiv opening. This ) received by botl department olllcl Tho Mexican "i wero disarmed. dor martial law at Casas Grande'i ly In tho day b. mander, stnrtlng', Madera. i Twenty arrests as Grandes of Ind ored to Incite a) stratlons. Inclui woro Bovoral wot tho populace, cal Mexicans to resll the Americans, j X f ' - ?" , . f f j, 5., ' i A' ', , i ' Sh , '.; ' V A1' - - mi mil - - ii-niirnT" "'r'T Coming to Logan on Thursday, July 6 THE UNIVERSAL CAR When over half the motor cars in America today about a million and a quarter arc II of one make, there must be a mighty good H II reason. In every kind of service, under all U II conditions of roud and weather, Ford cars II I proved to be the most dependable economical H II and efficient servants of men. Touring Car n $495; Runabout $445. All prices f. o. b. H II Logan. On display and sale at II Q Cache Auto Co. S 56 West Center St Phone 279 I tf LOGAN, UTAH siW'OT'mwnlvltMttj innnun Vim I W ftPaBfcJfc WrMWTfJ V IrV ' fyijpggMflMMMlBMl |