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Show GENERAL BELL SENDS OUT fl MOTORCYCLE SQUADRON TO H HEAD OFF ENEMY jH El Paso, Texas, Juno 22. A large H forco of Mexican cavalry was obsorv- H ed by scouts approaching the Rto Grando at Vnlvordo, soven miles be- H low here, Just beforo midnight. Geii. H Bell, Jr., immediately ordered out H his armed motorcycle squadron to H prevent tho Mexicans from crossing. H ,The trains which pulled- out ot jH Juarez this morning havo pulled back ikl to wlthTn olght miles of tho Mexican 9SH border town. Gcnoral Bell admits rH that ho Is perplexed by this move, JB but is ready for any emergency. jH All communication by tolegraph be- j tween Juarez and points south" stop- IH pod shortly after 9 p. ra. Moxlcan H Consul Andrea's Garcia said that tho jH wires had beon cut about twenty H miles below hero. Tho Mexican o(U- H clal Insinuated that scouts from trio H United .States army nro responsible H for tho sovorlng of communication. H Both tbo state department and H military officials deny that thero't isj H any truth an tho repot t that General H Trevlno Is sending the Amorlcan prl- H soners taken nt Carrlzai back to the BH American territory via El Paso, HBV |