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Show Tha Judge's Advantage. Ono of the best Htorles of ,Tnd(;o Parry, Par-ry, a famous KiikIWIi Jurist, related to n feeble looking man who wns rebuked for supporting n ridiculous elnlm made by his wife. "I tell you candidly I don't bellevo n word of your wifo's Ktory," Bald Judge Pnrry. "Yer nmy do um yer like," replied the mnn mournfully, "but I'vo got to." It wiih onco the doubtful privilege of Judge Pnrry to ovcrhenr tho comments com-ments of two men ngnlliHt whom lie lind decided. '"H'h n fool, but 'o (lid 'Ih lipst," wan the verdict of thenp disappointed dis-appointed sultorH. "Ono might sleep under nn uukliiiler epitaph," wiih the philosophic comment of tho Judge-London Judge-London (Jrnphlc. |