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Show CAT RECOGNIZED A FRIEND And Man Wants to Know How He Did It If It Was Not by Power of Slant. "There bo those," Bald a nature faker, "who say that domestic animals do not recognlzo peoplo they aro associated asso-ciated with by their sense of sight. And mnybo they aro right I ara no ox-pert ox-pert faunallst but I wish to state a fact of which 1 ara personally cognizant cogniz-ant and which pertains to tho subject under discussion. "Yesterday morning after I had breakfasted around tho corner I approached ap-proached tho houso where 1 lodge and from somo distance 1 observed our largo black cat, Ulll, sitting on the; front stops beforo tho closed door. It was evident to me, and I am pained to mako the statement that Bill had been out all night. "Several persons passed as ho Bat there befqro I caino within rango ot his' vision, but ho gavo no sign to them what he was there for. He did riot seo mo untU 1 was within forty feet of him, bo Intently was he studying those nearer, but tho Instant ho saw mo ho camo running to mcot mo, rubbing against my legs nnd showing other Indications In-dications ot his pleasure In meeting a real friend In noed. Then ho deshed ahead and, was nt tho door when I got to It. "Once inside ho had no further use for ,mo 'ord scurried away toward tho kltchen.'Cats havo no power of sceut, I believe, so ho didn't noso mo out of tho crowd of unfaralllars passing beforo be-foro him. This being truo, how did Bill know mo oxcept by sight?" |