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Show Patrick Proved a Deep Reasoner Saw No Reason for Interfering with Man Whom He Supposed Was Only "Hanging Hlmsell Up to Dry." In Brockton, Mass., not many years ago, lived James Burk, who Invested a largo sum of money In Btocks and lost tho greater part of a fortuno which ,ho Inherited from his father. Ho worried wor-ried so much over tho loss that ho becamo mentally deranged, and left his home ono morning to commit suicide. sui-cide. Ho procured a ropo and wended his way from the city. Happening to como across tho pond which supplies that city with water, ho thought he would end his llfo by drowning. An IriBhtan hnppencd to bo passing as Mr. Uurk throw himself In, and, seeing a muu In iho water, sprang In after hliu Atmi a little difficulty Pnf sue-cetdfcd sue-cetdfcd U, p.srlr? 1 Is man safe on the bank, and then walked off. After going a little way, Pat looked back,- and saw the mnn ho had paved from a watery grave climb a tree, draw a rope from his pocket and mako ono end of it fast to ono of tho Btrong-br Btrong-br branches. Fixing a noose in tho other end, ho placed It around his neck. Pat stood a llttlo way off and watched him all tho time. Ho then huBtoned toward tho city nnd reported tho mntter to tho police. When tho police arrived at tho scene thoy found tho body suspended from the tree At tho Inquest Pat was called on to tell all b" know about the suicide. When ns, d why he did not prevent the mat from hanging himself. Pnt exclaimed: "Uegorry, ycr honor, sir. ho was nil wot after- 1 pulled him put of the pond, and I thought he wni only hanging hlmseil up to dry.' |