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Show Generalities. F. W, Brock came fiom Montpelier Monday morning. We sell the Earth and Loan money PJriUt. II. A. Pcdcrsen & Co. rMlss Sarah Merrill, of Richmond, spent Sunday in Logan. h 8100,000 to loan on improved farms. tfjfji H, A. Pederscn and Co. Ezra Lloyn has moved from tho Seventh ward to the Aflleck place on South First East. When others fall we sell. List your Real Estate with us for quick sale. II. A. Pederscn & Co. Peter Christiansen, the policeman, Is very low with symptoms of appendicitis. ap-pendicitis. Tlie highest cash price paid for spring chickens at the Palace restaurant, restau-rant, r Hon. A. G. Barber, and Charles England, Eng-land, of the Logan Journal went to Salt Lake yesterday. G. Gcssel, the brick maker of Cache codnty. will sell brick by the wagon or car load. Tho choicest kind. .1. II. Westovcr tho competent section sec-tion foreman of Logan has taken a lay oil for a few days. lie and his wife went to Wlllard yesteiday. Campbell & Morrell Co. have Just received a largo shipment of renowned renow-ned Munslng Underwear, for ladies, (mlsses and children. Purchase today, 'tomorrow we may be out of sizes, t John II. Edwards, of Hy rum, return- cd fiom Pocatcllo valley on Saturday. 3fyJIjhre'ports things as being prosperous Wffiat valley with Blue Creek crops being most excellent. Many families aro moving thcro making that country their permanent homes. Veal wanted at Palace Meat market New milch cow for sale. Inquire here. , Samuel C. Parkinson, of Franklin, was In Logan yesterday. Lost Warranty deed. Finder plcaso return to this oillcc. Laura Nebekcr started cast yesterday yester-day to enter the University of Chicago. A seven roomed frame house with pleasant surroundings for sale cheap. Apply to Louis Cardon. t Ebenezcr Fames, one of the ploneeis of Logan Is here visiting Ills relatives. John Lallls, of Mention, has been brought to the lludgc hospital for treatment. Rlankots, hosiery, knit goods and an elegant line of comforts direct from eastern Manufacturers. See C. & M. Co. Found, about one week ago on Main street Logan, a purse containing money. Call at this oillcc. t The numerous friends of Ferdinand Jacobson wllliegrct to know that he Is suffering greatly from inflammatory rheumatism. For Rent Fine store room, 33 W. Center street, occupied bv Thatcher Music Co. Apply Dunbar, Robinson & Co. t Thomas Smart, one of the trustees of the" A. C. of U. went to Salt Lake yesterday to attend a meeting of the i board today. Forcqmfort, durability and medium price we heartily recommend Munslng plaited underwear. Mo shirts to pull aown, no pants to pull up. t W. H. Maughan, Mgr. of the Wells-vllle Wells-vllle Co-op went, to Salt Lake yesterday yester-day to make purchases of fall and winter millinery. Do you want an abstract on your land? If you do, call on Fred W. Crockett, Licensed Abstractor office, Main Street, Logan, (over Dunbar-Roblnson Dunbar-Roblnson store.) Get an abstract. It will save.jou money. Fred Lallantlne and W. L. McNeil, of Star Valley, recently delivered one hundred and seven head of tine beef cattle in Ogden, They state that stock looks line In the north cast. A seven roomed house to rent. Across tho street from the court house. There is water In two parts of tho house, it being conveniently arranged for two small families. Apply Ap-ply to city recorder. t Henry Heath, father of Mrs. Hanks of the Lincoln, has been In town the past few days visiting his daughter and her family. lie returned to Salt Lake yesterday. For sale or rent Lot 4x13 rds., a 4 roomed house, and a barn on same. I al60 liavo for sale a first-class Jersey cow, and 40 pure breed Buff Wyand-ettc Wyand-ettc chickens. For particulars call at 40 South 4th East Logan, Utah. N. Kimball, Jr. came to Logan on Tuesday. Mrs. Kimball, who has been visiting in Logan will return with her husband to Pocatcllo. Mr. Kimball is In the employ ef the O. S. L. It. R. company and is doling well. It will be advantageous to everv economical buyer to consult Campbell & Morrell Co. boforo purchasing fall goods. Our lines were novor so full of honest values, comprising style and reliability as at present. W. F. Flshej, the Oxford merchant, attended the recent races in Logan. Ho stated that tho burglars who en-tcred en-tcred his storo about six wccks ago, took about $250 In merchandise. He keeps the safe In his house theicfore no money was stolen. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF THE FINEST AND REST LADIES SHOES, FROM C. P. FORD, ROCHESTER RO-CHESTER NEW YORK, HAS ARRIVED AR-RIVED AT ANDREAS PETERSON'S. PETER-SON'S. It. C. Fryer, proprietor of the Planter's Hotel, of Dewey, came to Logan Monday morning, with Mr. 0. E. Jones, right of way man for the Independent Telephone Co. The latter gentleman is hero inspecting the company's business In a general way throughout this county. Tho gentlemen mado us a pleasant call on Monday. Prof. Ostein will reacli Logan today. to-day. II. II. Allen, of Cove, visited Logan yesterday. Fm 8ALK Pure Gold Coin seed wheat. Any quantity. Apply to George L. Farrcll. Smithfield Johh M. Wilson and wife aro dowp from Ilcxbnrg. Students arc arriving In Logan by tho hundreds, giving the city a lively aspect. Wanted at the sugar factory two sack sowers, apply to F. O. Taylor, sugar factory. Doctor Croxall is in Logan, in tho Interest In-terest or the Llda Queen Mining Company, Com-pany, of Nevada. Mrs. Chloc Dalncs, of Franklin, who is undergoing a treatment in Salt Lake, is Improving. Skirts, shirt waists, cloaks and everything that pertains to ladles', misses and children's, wearing unpaid. C. &M. Co. t Alfred Plcot returned from Downey and Pocatcllo on Monday, wheic lie has business Interests. Thatcher Opera House opens Thursday Thurs-day 21st with the Curtis Dr.imatlc Co. In "When the bell Tolls." Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. J. W. England, tho grocer on Main street, has sold his business to Fred Crane and Wlllard Mltton. Lars Anderson, of Hyrum, who lias been in Montana. for twenty years, is down on a visit with his relatives. The two stores with a stock of 200 pianos and CO organs look llkcaoclono had struck them and the Harris Music Mu-sic Co. Is still hauling them out. t President Isaac Smith has been layed up In bed for the past week, Wo arc pleased to state that he Is Improving. Im-proving. I will exchange a good double work harness nearly new for a good cooking range, will pay balance In cash. II. P. Nielsen. Mr. Tlios. Muir has had a most severe time within the past few weeks, scvin bolls having started one after the other In one of his eyes. The gentleman Is about free from them and Is moving around on the streets. Georglna, daughter of Dr. McCaus-land, McCaus-land, who went to California about three months ago for tho Improvement Improve-ment of her health returned about two weeks ago much improved, she went to Hlackfoot, Idaho last Saturday Satur-day to visit the fair. The Presidency of the. Cache Stake and tho Stake boards of the Mutuals will tender the members of the old choir a reception on Friday evening at the R. Y. College at 7:30 o'clock. Prof. Alexander Lewis desires to see all the choir members at the tabernacle taber-nacle at 7:30 Thursday evening. Mrs. P. M. Poulsen and Miss Sophia Poulsen accompanied N. P. Poulsen, son of the former lady, to Ogden. Mr. Poulsen goes to the Rush Medical College, In Chicago, to resume his study of medicine. We respectfully request our lady patrons and friends to Inspect our fall showing of tailored suits, skirts, shirt waists and elegant assortment of fall coats. 0. & M. Co. Tho Quarterly Stake Conference of the Hyrum Stake of ion will be held In Hyrum Saturday and Sunday,Sept. 23rd and 24th. Meetings at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. W. C. Parkinson, A. M. Israelsen, W. II. Maughan, Stake Presidency. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Must bo qualified to take re sponMblllty. Inquire at Sugar factory hotel. While running a small saw In the planing mill of Anderson & Sons, Friday afternoon, Win. King, Jr., of the Second ward, had tho misfortune to get his hand too close to the machine ma-chine which resulted In tho loss of two fingers on tho left hand. Roth fingers wero cut oil below tho second knuckle. Medical attention was secured secur-ed promptly and Will Is Improving. If tho people will bo united as they have been In the past, we will ship in another carload of pianos and organs for Christmas. Harris Music Co. In the write-up In our last Issue, of the private buildings now In course of construction in Logan, wo inadvertantly inad-vertantly omitted mentioning the fact that J. A. Hentlrlckson Is erecting, erect-ing, on East Center, a modern home. When finished it will bo complcto in every manner, having a hot air heating heat-ing plant, and the latest Improved method of plumbing. Homes, like this will be, aro needed In Logan. October conference will shortly bo here Campbell 6c Morrell Co.. have a complete lino of ladles and misses stylish street suits. t Governor Cutler, with President W. S. McCornlck and Attorney General Rrecdcn camo to Logan Saturday night. Subsequently tho trustees of tho A. C. of U. met, and whllo no thing In a formal way was done, expressions, ex-pressions, of regret wero mado on the recent loss of the A. C. of U. All Incidentally In-cidentally expressed a desire tosco tho Mechanic Arts building reconstructed. Tho committee will meet in Salt Lako city today. Sugar to.GO per sack at II. G. Hay-ball's. Hay-ball's. NO DELIVERY AT THIS PRICE. Misses Margaret and Agnes Coaltcr from Salt Lake are guests of Mrs. T. A. Tl)oreson. The Sisters of Rebckali will observe the 54th anniversary of the establishment establish-ment of the order on Thursday night In the 1. O. O. F. Lodge hall. Otllcers of the State Assembly will be In attendance at-tendance and aid in the program. |