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Show I Farmer's Headquarters! H Cache Valley Implement and Produce Company I Republicans and Democrats BftB Dm lug the excitement of the campaign don't forget that H THE CACHE VALLEY IMPLEMENT & PRODI CL J BBV CO., South Maui Street, Logan, will sell their entile BV stock of Ruggies and Harness AT COST, to make loom for Hd) a full line of "GOOD ENOUGH" Steel Ranges, made ex- K' 2 ptessly forom Hade. Don't buy before they an ie. . B 1 The MIlAVAUKIiliis the Only Lucerne Reaper H on the Market. M SUtUTTUm and MII.M'RN Wagons, Cheapest H. and Host. B Tin MOUXli I, 2, :i audi DISC I'l.O WS are the H Heal and (lie strongest. H We ha ve some Sample Mowers, Hah es and llmd- H ers for Sale Cheap. I Cache Valley Implement & Produce Co. B .-BBBt Hr:JBK- BjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBBjtJBBjBJBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBH je GO TO . ll Thatcher & Hansen Walkover K M R" M I Florsheim flfOB Best I I s BJ By i fjfvA .jBBBBBBBBB H SHOES JkBM on Earth, I Thatcher & Hansen 1 27 Main Street, Logan, Utah. I EXPERIENCED ll THRESHERMEN I BUY AND I RECOMMEND I Altman-Taylor I "New Century" J THRESHERS. WHY? I!LTAI'SE50 YEAKS OF EXPERIENCE IS HACK OF THEM and EXPERIENCE COl'NTS , - Crowded for Room! ' We need the 100m for our big Fall and Winter stock. Ourbii)ci Is In the Eastern Mat kots now, buying for the coming season. The lcmalnlng stock on hand must be sold befoie the new stock art ivos, as we never carry merchandise over fiom one season to another. Jllg Ilaigalns being olfeied in Men's, Hoy's and Children's cloth- lug. Shoes for Men, Ladles and Chlldtcn. Furnishings and Hats Men's High grade 2 and :i -piece Suits former price $12.50 to $18.00, to close out for $8.75 A. OTI1riiBiETk fr CO. One Price Store. 45 Main Street |