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Show A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS Picked up here, there and everywhere. Read 'em or pass 'em up as you please. Membeis of the loth quorum of Seu'iulcs aie lnltcd to attend tho September meeting to be held In the R. Y. C. at 8 p. in. the nth Inst. A. D. Thatcher. Pros. Mis. 1. X. Smith entertained at the New Jetsey Academy estoiday aftei-noon. aftei-noon. A number of ladles weie In-lted In-lted to meet Misses Puny and Mc-Rride, Mc-Rride, new arrivals at the school William Dur, husband of Ploicncu Stowc-Dury of the Second waul, died atTrlndldad, Col., Wednesday Abscess Ab-scess on the lungs is given -as the cause of his death. The lemalns w ill be I rought hcie for inteiment. The Junior League of the M. L. Church will give an entertainment consisting of a musical and literary program and light refreshments, at the church Tuesda evening, Sept. (!, 8 o'clock. A mandolin and guitar club will furnish music. Mr. John Rarrctt wants it distinct-1 distinct-1 understood that he Is in the lace for the nomination for shciill on the Republican ticket, and will stay In the race until tho convention decides. Mr. Rairett objects to the Illinois which aie to the reverse. For the past live yeais the people of Weston, Idaho, huvesulleied severely fiom diouth. Their disappointments have been such that some havo thought f changing their location-. Tilings have muteiiully changed this year; ciopsaic abundant uud bring a good pi ice, which is quite a icverslon fioin the past few jears. We aie glad to note thqso facts, as they aie a good people in that locality. Mr. and Mis, J. '..Stewart ol Logan arc the guests of her parents Mr. and Mis. II. L. Hotter. . . . Piof. Moslali Hall ot the R. Y. College at Logan spent Tuesday hi lltigham and was shown aiound by Dcpt. Supt. Angus Vance Miss Ldla Holingicn of the Agricultural College is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Nels .lenson. Miss Holmgren has been camping out the past few weeks with fi lends In Logan canon -llox Elder News. At the home of Mr. and Mis. Israel P. .lacobsen a marriage was performed by Judge Louis S. Caidon between Miss Caroline .lacobsen and Clem C. Williams in the piescucc of a laige gathering of friends and relatives of tho parties. The house and grounds weie handsomely lighted and decoiat-ed decoiat-ed and the company sat down to a most delicious lepast after the ceie-mouy. ceie-mouy. Many beautiful and useful presents were received, A slioit time ago William Atlia of the Westlleld had a saddle and single sin-gle harness stolen fiom his stable. Ho went to work investigating and soon had one Geoige Jinks, ills brother-in-law, under suspicion as tho guilty party. With the aid of Mai-shal Mai-shal Crockett he found that Jinks had sold the outfit to Chi is Dalian, of the Third waul, Warrants weie got out for Jinks and Italian, the foimcr for stealing the harnes, and the latter for receiving the same Rallau compromised com-promised with Atha) and consequently consequent-ly the complaint was wlthdiawn, Jinks Is out of the slate but the war- mw rant Is to be served on him any time MM ho should appear heie A later dc- ;H velopmcnt tlnds a third part who 'HJ was also Implicated with Jinks in the jH stealing, but who only admits that ho HI was an Innocent party which lie will MM have to prove shortl. 'JHJ The World, s Fair athletes did notli- JH sng rcmaikablo in running twentv- tfl four miles in tluee and a half hours. jH1 Wat Reese can do the distance In two j HJ an v day, and once when his wife ran ffMm away with his clothes while he was in JHJ bathing he did the stunt In 1:52. As HJ Wat tells it ho and his wife wore fiH diivlng near one of the goosopondsout n9 in the valley when a largo number of -IH little ducklcts, unable to My, came In 'lH sight. Wat wanted 'em awfully bad, i shed every vestlgo of clothing, took j his buggy whip and plunged Into the 'H pond. Wat mired and tho ducks got HI away while ho was Indulging in IH picturesque language. When he got JLH out his wife and the buggy weie not Hh in sight and Wat was half-frown i There were moro blue streaks, with Ijtl yellow- fiinges and finally Wat, with ijffl nothing on but a wicked smile, made 'II a dash up the road only to come in HI sight of a buggy not his wife's. Por fvfl fear of being taken for u lunatic, he MM again made a nish for the pond and ! bulled himself in Its Icy vvatcis. This jjafl was getting serious fast and Wat did 111 some tall thinking, thou some long- H distance l mining and ho found his fl frau. She was laughing "lit to kill" jM and waited until her liege loul was IH Just icady to grab the buggy and then IH she whipped up. Wat begged and ?ffl pleaded in a voice that could be heard IH to Cache Junction and Mis. Wat, con- IH science-stricken stopped, but not long rU enough and the champion long- ufl distance runner of Cache did at other kM mile Endeailng terms counted for UH naugl it and promises of brown stone i fronts, diamonds as big as goose-eggs, H silk dresses, and line hats only biought mocking smiles she was H getting oven. In tills way Mrs. Reese I I led Watkln acioss the valley and back ( H again and only on arrival within tho , H Logan city limits did she lcthlmget H his hands on the clothing he removed j H two hours before. IOvcu then she j H made him walk uptown for fear of jH ids catching cold. This is the reason IH Wat nearly faints every time water Is JH mentioned to him. 1H |