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Show REFUSE TO MEET STRIKERS. Packers Decline a Conference, Saying No Good Would Result. Application was mndo to tho packers pack-ers by tho stock yards strikers at Chicago, Chi-cago, Monday, for a conforonco, tho purpose bolng to bring nbnut ponco In tho conflict Tho conference wns refused re-fused by tho packers. Tho application was mado by tho nlllod trades council coun-cil nnd wns addressed to J. Ogdon Armour Ar-mour nnd his nssoclntos. Mr. Armour Immediately cnlled the ! othor heads of the big packing plants " Into session. When the meeting wns 1 1 denied a communication wns ad- dressed to President Donnelly and his I nssocintoHi declining tho conforonco. ' Tho reason given wns that no good I could coino from it. |