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Show H i UTAII STATE NEWS. PJJPJJHi - ""- BBV Tho Davis county public schools Bl 'will bo opened nn September 10. BV Eloven hundred dollars havo been BBJ I ottered for tho capturo of Mnrlio Slgich, BBl J wauled for tho murder of 1)111 Farro at BBb Murray. BBV ' Tho total assessed vnluntlon of Wo- VJ tier county, comprising tho assessment BBM mado by tho Rtntc board and tho coun- BBJ ly assessor, Is $13,559,012. BBJ Farmers of Davis county havo or- Bb ganlzcd an Agricultural social and will Bm work together In an endeavor to so- BBV euro an experienced station In that BBV county. BBV About 20,000 bushels of small era In Bm i will be threshed out this season at BBl Snntaquln. That means doublo tho Bm amount of tho crops raised for tho BBJ last live years. BBV It 1b now generally believed that Wll- BBV ford Vermillion, tho Salt I-ako drug- BBV (,'lBt who wns found dead In his store, BBV was murdered. At first It was thought BBV ho had suicided. Frank Dechcry, tho Frenchman who BBV I was stabbed at Sitnnysldo some time Vj ago by nn Italian striker, nnd who was BBV reported several times to bo dead, Is VJ on tho road to recovery. Vj Threshing has coiumcuced In the BVJ I Ashloy valley, and reports from over BBV tho county Indicate that whllo tho BV wheat crop Im nbovo tho avorage, BBV thero Is considerable smut. BBbI J. I. White, a lineman employed In BBV Salt Lako City, fcnilng a polo upon BBK which ho wns working was fading with BBV' him, Jumped thirty feet to tho ground, BBV breaking both of his ankles. bbbw ' In tfco Salt l.ako oro and bullion BBV market tho week closed upon a nuw BBV record, tho settlements for that period BBV aggregating $G22,100, this compared BBV with $185,100 for tho previous week. BBV Tho war between tho saloon men BBV d restaurant proprietors of Salt l.ako BBJ has resulted In tho restaurant men BBl raising a fund to bo used in running BBl down suloon men who violate tho or- BBV dinancon. BBl Ilcuaiogard It. Frnuscau, n Kays- BBV' villo man, has disappeared, and his BBl family fear ho has met with foul play. BBV Ho started for I'ocatello to llud em- BBb ployment, nnd nothing has been heard BBV of him since. BBV From tho copper furnaces of Salt BBV l.ako vahcy there was forwarded to BBV tho eastern refineries during the past BBV week 855,011 pounds of copper bullion, BBV containing gold nnd silver, and of a BBV value exceeding $200,000. BBV A. I"1- Nelson, a miner, was entombed BBV tor tweivo hours In tho Continental BBV mine at Alta, owing to a cave-in, but BBV when his comrades succeeded In dig- BBV sing him out, ho was found to bo nona BBV tho worso for his experience. BBV Tho encampment of tho Black Hawk BBV war veterans at Sprlngvillo was onq BBV of tho most successful that has been BBV i held nnd tho old Indian fighters were BBV K well pleased with tho grounds and their BBV ' treatment by the Sprlngvillo people. BBV Tho Joint station of tho Hlu Urando BBV and tho Salt l.ako Houto at Sliver BBV City has been closed, owing to tho BBV lack of business at that camp. Since BBV tho ciosIng of tho mines in that section BBV of tho Tlntlc district shipments havo BBV not been sufficient to Justify maintain- BBV tug a BBV Tho United States Smelter company BBV has completed tho two-mllo spur con- BBV oectlug Its mammoth limestone quar- BBV rlcs with the San Pedro, Los Angeles BBV ft Salt Lake railway. Tho big Ume- BBV ttouo deposits are located about llvo BBV miles south of Mercur on tho east BBV blilo of Hush valley. BBV Tho i ah cauniug factories will turn BBV out 300,000 cases of tomatoes this BBV year. Tho crop this year will bring $1.75 per caso, and the tomatoes and BBV canned fruits combined will bring nt BBV least $1,000,000 to tho Utah producers. BV James II. Gardner, general suporln- BV tandem of tho Utah k Idaho Sugar BV company, annoimcos that tho factory BBV at American Fork will start on or BIB about Soptembor 15. Tho farmors will BBK, uogln digging boots about September BJHi H Tho .Mormon colony In Alberta, Can- BBV n'ht, aro holding out inducements to BBV tho olllclals of tho now Grand Trunk BV Pacific railroad to havo a lino built BV through thoir region. During tho last BV few years hundreds of Mormons havo BBV eoue from Utah to Bottlo In Canada. BV A rainstorm, tho heaviest for many V years, fell Saturday afternoon east of BV tho Wasatch raugo, flooding everything BV along tho Price river and towns houtii BY and making roads almost Impassible BV as well as damaging ranchors many BV thousands of dollars In loss of hay, grain and other crops. BBB, Lagoon entertained tho reeoid crowd BV of Its entire history on tho 24th, whon tho grocer? nnd imtchors, with their friends from Suit Lake City and Og- BHB (lon' v,Blt0,l tno resort for their nn- Bl Iiual outing. Mon, than loom) pi-.,x BBB . uie-seokors woro en tho grouuda Jur- i BBBj ) .sbbb. e day anu evening. BKVKsmBHr -i bVBHIHbmu BBBBBBBBBBBBKhBBBBBBBBBF! |