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Show AWKWARD QUE3TI0N3 " j DeinncmU Object lo .imnrln financial J liiterroifiiliirlm. I When the "gold" iiieage r Alton j II. Pinker ronehod the Detnociatlc toinenllcli i.t bt Louis YWlllnm J. P.rjau KtigBisted thnt the uiuency lews of Mr. Pinker ought to bo morn . explicitly delhied In soiae dotxil. and that the loiixcntloii tlioiefote should prep no n list of question' connected with the in inns pin uses of the cur- j rone Issue foi the ciiulld'Jte to an- I swer. but .Master of Ceremonies Wll- I Hams nisliod to Patkei's dofotno with the statement that thocnndUlate should not be asked "A LOT OP FOOLISH QUESTIONS " ! This was the cime "public bo j il d" attitude that nirogant unpor- j ntlons ummI to take In lefuslng to answer an-swer questions of peitlueut Inteiost to tholi stockholdeis or to th" general gen-eral public, until the Republican party icmeilloil malteis by passing n law compelling puhllLltj', and iT.pecl.ilIy es-tubllshcd es-tubllshcd the buieau of coiniuercc iad labor to sot lire It. .Air. Ilrjnii. all the Denicciuts In the conwntidii at St. I.ouls. nnd In fact nil Aineibiiu uteis of vlmtoMT po-lltlcnl po-lltlcnl belief, had n pet foot light to expect detailed and explicit publicity from I'inidldate Pinker of his Iews cm goerumental lluaiiclal policies, so that tliej could know whether oi wit, or to what extent his lews were their lews. lint this publicity wan denied them, because the inanageis of the convention deemed It of more lui-IMirtnnce lui-IMirtnnce to protect theh candidate from questions which he wmi'd not want to answer for fear of making a "break." than to protect the oters of the country from possible misunderstanding misun-derstanding as to llivinclil lowswhloh might not bear tho limelight of public discussion. The managers of a coipoiatlon conducted con-ducted cm unsound lines nit' always npt to consider ns "foolish" questions, which, II answeied, might result In nn expose. And It Is the same way with the Democratic managers, who think their only safe iollcy on tho curieiicy question ts to lefuse to give Information as to what their policy really Is. |