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Show H ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS, .ffll ! H Republican State Ticket. bbih PBBI JOHN V. C'UTLKIi, B I For Secretary of State B I CIIAItLKSS. TINOKY, H For Justice of Supreme Court B IlAXIKL .N. BTHAUr, PABJ For Treasurer BBBJ jami:s ciiuistiankk.v, H Auditor J .1. A. KDWAltDS, BBBi BBBJ For Superintendent of Schools BBBJ H For Attorney-General a. imi:i:i)KN, H For Presidential Electors BBBI BBBJ BBBJ JAMES A. MlNKlt, BBBJ For Congress BBBJ jos'khi howkll, BBBJ H JUDICIAL TICKET. BBBJ For Judge. H WlLLAItD W. Mauqiian. ftVa For Prosecuting Attorney. ftVa FllKD.l. HOLTOK. For family supplies in clothing and shoes see Dunbar, Robinson and Co, Clienp Ilarrlcadet. H It Is droll, the attitude of the Den- H ocrntic party in tho present cnmpalgn. H It has nominated candidates of mod- H crate talents as figureheads for tho H Tcntures of the discredited party, and H expects the people to support them, H while the Democratic national commit- H tec and Tammany arc expected to buy H or steal success. H The Democratic party, with its un- H sound views, financial and economic, H lies hopefully behind Parker and those B unnamed expectancies voiced by Will- IB lams, llryan and other Democrats. H And llryan promises to reorganize H the party after the election! How? H Evidently on lines of socialism, gov- H eminent and municipal ownership of H telegraph and railroad lines, with all H the sequence. What a vagueness of H thought and promise! How may so- H called lenders of any party expect to H get the votes of sensible men upon a B proposition so dim as this? The fault H with the Democratic party, this year, H 1b it does not even furnish a good dls- Bj solving view. H J We have a large commerce J Bl J with Germany, which good rcla- J )"!Bi J tions will tend to promote; but f 'B J beyond this, and above tills, wo I H are bound together by thousands J M 1 of ties of kinship and assocla- I H J tlon, which should stimulate rela- Hj 1 tions of enduring cordiality. jH J Senator Fairbanks at Indian- T H apolls, Sept 3, 1800. i Hj 3- LB Odds In Wall trtroet of 2 to 1 on ' (M Roosevelt deliver no rxctoral votes, B but they are inWuy dtftcournglnir to m the silent poulaUr of Esopus. Eg |