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Show For Sale. fco acies of the l Iclicst kind of land, soil three feet deep, with a good house of threo rooms, siimmci kitchen, good Sheds and corrals Price $2,400. AVill sell on such teims that the land will pay for Itself Inquire at Uki'UIili-oan Uki'UIili-oan olllcc. For Sale. Ilouso and lot near Agilcnltmal College. Lctter-piess, Invoice size, oak stand Kemlngton typewritci, neaily now. Kitchen range. Two Harils lovolving tables. Apply to W. W. Mauoman, Logan, Utah. Farm Laborers In Liberia. Farm laborors In Liberia recclvo from 2.50 to ?4.G0 n month and rations ra-tions of rlco and fish. Men do all tho worlt dono olsowhero by horses, becauso horses would cost more |