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Show I fl PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE.1 B ' I Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign- I d cr$ for further Information. Bj In the District Court, Probate Dhlslon In and ffl for Cache County, State of Utah. NOT1CT 'Id rHIUUTOlt". Estate of I.oiilxr Vmiri'iispii, ilii'i'itMHl. Cmlltor will pp-mmi! I'lnlm with wiorlifcts to the undi'mlKiicil at In r irtlili-iw In Untan QlVt In tin eotinty of Tni'lif and Slatr of Utah, onurliptorp tl'-llnlnj of I Ifcctnlwr. 1004, CAIIOI.INA Kl'.NT. Administratrix of tlm mlalti of UuitSe Ygrsonnon. drcpiMwI. Ilalo uf 1st ptitillratlon Auk. 37. littt. notici: to cur.PiTonp. HJ Citato of ,tenChrlHt1nn.tpnspn,di'CoaHi'd. H Creditors will iirwnt elalnn with voiioh- i rr3 to tlw anihTHlmiMl at his ri-ldnncu In I i I.oran city. In i In- county uf OacliH and ftalu ' of Utah, on or lKfori- tin- Wth ilay of riwfin- , Ijor.ilMl, .UiiiwKbwt. H Admlnintialor of tlipostaii-of .fpn Clirm- m I Uan .teiwn, ilii'cnMMl. Dato of lt puhlli'ntloti Auu. SI. 1I04 B nctici: to rnniiiTKi!- I Katati- of iripli-j ". Ljon. diH-i-iMHl OrodllorH Hill present .lttus Hllli mu-liem tothp iiihIiTkIkm.kI nt No. 7& Main trwl. Iji-can. Iji-can. 'tali, onor lielore Hie liili luy of .Inly. 1005. .Uiu.x V. Hai.tkbi. . Bxfvutnr of Hit' will of ltlple . Lyon. dt H ceased. , Ilatu of Drat puhllra'lmi. Xeptenilier I4.1IKW. NOTICE Will IMPLICATION. Hi No. .ViHj H I.atidofllri alfaltiaket'lu. I'lnli. SoptfinUT Mill. I'W H Notice In lierekv trlveii that the following uatninl nettler hat ilhil notice of lilt. Inti'ii- lion to make final proof In support of Ills i-Ulm, and that salil proof will Is; maile I- fOW tilt' fieri, of the (iKIrlri eourt. In and for 0ohe euuiity. I'tah, at Uiiran City. Utah, tin ( letobor Sli, 11104. vl: .lohn U Hlrk, II. .K 1H.D9B. fur tho HE See .11 Tn 13 north ranjte 2 J , trmt P. I.. M. I Uuliamriilicfolhmliiir wlitnii's to prove Ilia continuous rcsldi-inv upon and itilllva- ilnoof Midland. lr- .lohn K. t.odfny and Hamuel Wlittrv ImIIi or riarkston, ITtali. iilso.loel W.HIeks mill Mla Kli-ki Imth of I Itcniioii. I'tah. I'iiank I). Iloniw lh'trlitcr. J , J. Z. Xtowtirt .Jr.. Attnrni. " dfK'E()ISAUi iTIinundchliiiKl will sell at public auction to the lihTlit-ht lildtli-r fur rash to pay the charces and expenses of Moraee thereon for a period of 10 month. Ilvo Iwx contnlnliiK J f about Vive Gross slleers Tlmo and place of HJ , ' . gale No. 69 V 1st Norths! reel, Ixuran, Utah. J Octohcr Int. IIMI. at 12 o'clock noon, Amount HJ j i clnltned toho due Si. lolw kM as thoprop- J I jl oityof Clifsli-i'.folitisun & Co. hy the under- H I ,, alirned llnnholdiT. ,1. Z. Plewart. Jr.. H . Dated i-upteinhrr 15. llvl. I.leuhohU'r. I j Notice of levy of As- ,j sessment, B Name of corpurallou MllMlle Irrlcatlni; Company. liH-allon of principle place of H I hunlness.Mlllrllle. I'lah B I, Notlif 1.1 hereby ulven that tit a meeting of M i tliBillrectum liclil on the nth day of mhiIcmi- M '' Lier lliOl an asM'simi'iit of ' ceutu per share was levied on the capllul stock of thuCor- B , i Doratlon payable on the 15th day of DftolaT B I llfll to N'oriln Dlken treasurer at Ills' t t'sld- ! once Mlllvlllc. AiijkIik'I; on which triii as- cossmcnl rutnalm unpaid on the Kith day of October HOI will tie dullimuent mid adverllM- m od for nalo at public auction, and unless pay M I mont lamaite tkfore wllllicMild onNovombor lit to liay dcllmiuenl assessment togother t vrlththw cosl of adwrtlilii? and exponsu of B tale. 1'ln.t pjubllcallon Sepl. U HOI. H Maiitin Oifii.v. hecretary. BL ' I Notice of Intention I l to Tax. B i Notice is huicby jrlven by llic C1L . Bfl ,- Council ot Lo'aii City, I'tnli, llutt a " ' Intends to liny ;i .special lux on the Bfl I, real estate lieieinatler described for 1, tliu puipoM' ot lauin,' it cement hlde- BB ' -walk I, .J and foci wide, and for the B purpose of laying said sidewalk, a Bfl -special taxing I it ,lo bo known and desi;naied Ub Sidewalk I'ajliiK Dis- fl , - trlct Number .s, will be created uitli- fl in the bonndaiiesot the dislilct to he B i allecled and bcnelited by the said im- fl I provcinciit. The said improvement' r will beuln al theiioiitli side ol Kllsl H' ' South blreet, between Kliijt and Sec-, IB ond West; on the east side of Second; West street between Klist South and ' First North !t reels, on lhe east hide of Seeoud Wi-st bet w ecu I'lrst Sogth H' ' and Center st rei-l, on the east side of B ' First West street between Kirst North B ' street and Center street. The prop-1 BB erty to be attectcd and beneutud by BK the said tmproement will bo that; B' abuttliit; aloii); the said I mproveiiienl. i fronting' alonn the said streets and BB described as lollows, l.: on the north , side or Jtluck 1. m l'lat "It" Lojnn B , City su-n e ; Lol s U, .1, 4, and 5 tn l1 ., Block 4. l'lat "A": Lots 2, :i, 4 and 5 B( iiiHIockH, flat "A". L(an City ' survey. H That the estimalcd ciist ot said im- provement for the six fool walk 91.10, Bi ihe tie tool walk idc , and the lour ' loot walk hoc. pci ft, mi or linear foot BY inr detiaylug the whole cost thereof, B i he City Council intends to levy a sp.'cial tax on the fioutatie of the innpert) as above mentioned allected and benetitcd hy tin said improve- HB im nt. B i 'Die lity Council will consider the H ' (imposed levy and hear objections luicio in writlnuon Wednesday, the I i h day of ( ctobcr, 1W4, at p. m. at i he City Council chamber. BM Hattik Smith, BH; City llecoi-dei. BBii Bli Beautiful Women H! I'luiup checks. Hushed wltt the soft H' ' glow of health and a pure complexion, H make all women beautiful. Take a H ,' small dose of Ilerbine uflcr euch meal Hi,' it will present const I p. tlon and help H' digest what you have eaten. 50 cents B Mrs. Win. M. Slioud of Midlothian B Texas, writes May .'il.liiul: "We have H, used Ilerbine In our family for eight H years nnd found it the best medicine B ever used foi contipat Ion, bilious fever H and malaria. ABSCESS. I W. II. Harrison. Cleveland, Mlss.,i writes, Aug. l.", 1001: "I want to say awoid of pralso for Mallard's Snow I Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which j caused the cords in my lep; to contract and an abscess to rise In my knce.and the doctor told me that 1 would have si stllT le, s0 one day I went to .1. V. Lord's druu store (who Is now in Denver.) Den-ver.) He recommended a bottle of Snow Liniment; 1 got a fiOc cent sl.e, and it cured my log. It Is tho best liniment in the world. Abscesses, with a few exceptions, ;iic Indicative of constipation or debility. de-bility. They may, however, icsult fioni blows or fiom foroign bodies, introduced in-troduced into the skin or ilesli, such as spllnteis, thorns, etc. For sale by i lllter llios. Drug Co. sopt i Notice of Intention to Tax, Noli Is hereby cien by tho city council of Imuran city, IHab. that It iiilcnils to levy a special tax on the real ostalu liuiuluafturde-wrlbcd liuiuluafturde-wrlbcd tor tho nuiimsc of laylnir n ceinunt Nldenalk four feet wide and fur that purixise of luvyliiRhald tax, a special tax Inn district to hi) Kuouii and designated anSldowalk District Dis-trict No. II will ! created within the Imund-ailett Imund-ailett of the district to be alfected and hene-llli'd hene-llli'd by the said liutiroiement. Tho said luiproveimiiit will lieirlii at the Intersection In-tersection of 1st Ninth and Main xtlccls, u ml run thunce south a distance of threo blocks tothe comer of fourth t-outh si reel, The properly to be alfected and bciiclltlcd b the said Improvement will he that ahutl-Inc ahutl-Inc alonir the said Im protmunt, froutlni; the same aluiur the we-a shh ot the street ami de-bfitlicd de-bfitlicd as follows, l.: Lots).", 8. I, a anil i In block 5; lots I, i.X 4, 5 and H, In blocli il;und low 1. '.'. 3, 4 and a In block 7 all In l'lat li loiran city survey. Cache county, I'tah, That tho estimated cost of the said Im-provi'i'ien' Im-provi'i'ien' Is IK) cents per front or linear fool, l'or ilcfrajlni! the whole thensif, the city ccuncll Inlciidt io lev j a special tax on the frontage of the properti usaliow mentioned ulp't'ted and licnoutcd by thu said linprovo-tm linprovo-tm ut. The city council will consider the proposod leti and hear objections thereto In writing on Wednesday, the 14lh day of Kctolier. l!WI. at s p, m. lit the cllj council chainliei, llATTIt Suitii, Cllj llecorder. Dllti of llrst publication. Sept. -.'4. IIU4. Vestments of Pius V. Tho ooutlflcal vostmonts or Pius V have been discovered In the church of Santo Marin Jlnggioro, in Homo, nnd liavo boon presented to tho popo by Cardinal Vlnconso Vnnnutolll. Sprains S. A. Read, Cisco, Texas, writes Jlarch 11th, 1101: "My wrist was sprained so badly by a fall that It wns useless; and after uslnj; sovontl remedies remed-ies that failed to Blve rcllor, '.scd Hnllard's Snow Liniment, and was cured. I earnestly recommend It to any ono sulTeiing from sprains." !i,"c, .10, ?l.oo. Sold by Hiter llros. HrtitfCo. BID GRANDE WgJ?H I The Scenic Line 1 I I To Glcnwood Springs, Aspen, Lcnd 111c. Pueblo, Coloiado Springs, I I Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points 1 I East. Connecting at Ogdcn Union Depot with all Southern I'a- 1 1 clllo and Oregon Short Lino trains. The only Transcontinental i Line passing directly through Salt LaUc City. 1 H fc I Splendidly Equipped Trains between , I ' OGDEN AND DENVER -st 1 ,r Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Iloutes. I I THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS ! B To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago withmit I 1 change. Free tteclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Kx 9 H curslons. DINING CAKS, Set vice a la Carte on all tluougli trams. 1 l'or rates, folders, free illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of om I nearest ticket agent, specify ing the Wo Grande . ...totttc, or address.... i I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake City JLj CUMMINGS Commission co., IlKALKItS IN STOCKS. Bonds, Grain and Provisions. Stocks Houglit and Sold on Margin or for Cash. AVe have a special department depart-ment for buying or selling stocks and bonds for Immediate delivery. Investors In-vestors and Hankers will sao time and money by giving us their orders In that line. Correspondence solicited. Local oillce: Uootn f COMMERCIAL BLOCK, W. H. Weaver, Agt. Dr, P, li Poulson, DENTIST. Best Set of Teeth. - - 10.0n Kllllng Teeth, - - - - 1.00 Cleaning Teeth. - - - 1.00 Highest class Crown and Bridge Work at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Ollicoovcr U. O. Store. H. C. Hansen, O KNEBA L 1 NSUIt A NCR -and MINI NO.- Agent, The Mutual Life of New York Sec'y Amazon Mining Company 71 N Main St. Logan. Sam Glaser, Dealer In Fine Liquors and Cigars. Bottle and jug trade a specialty. Our Lewis 18(10 Whiskey. Try it. BOWKN AND BLANCH AUD. Livery and Feed Stables. First West street. Tolephono lty. Connections made with all Trains. Livery and Baggego promptly attended at-tended to. Commercial trade solicited, tf Oregon Short Line R. R. CACI1K VALLKY TIME CARD Kllect on Nov. 22nd, 100::. No. II. Dally. No. 15. Dally Mixed, 1'ocntollo S41 p. m 'J:.T0 a, in Salt I.nko Gi43 " Ili45p.m Oirueii .7H5 " l:S5 " Caclio.Icu Bibt SiSOam SloiiUon 9il3 " 000 " I.OB3H B:S) " 0:23 " Hmlthnolil Kits " TiOO " Itlolimonil Ui59 " Ti4J " I'ranttlln IOiH " 8U5 " UIIIIVTB. I'rsUin 10:85 " OilQXm south hound, MIAVMB,' No. IS Dally, No.ttt.natlr.MlJicu' Preston 7:10a. ta 0:10a. in' I'ranldln 7:87 " 10:00 " Jtlclnnonu 7i45 " (0i40 " Suilthlluld 7iM " UilO " tiOitaa S:13 " 13i50p.m Mention BiIR " mo " CachoJct. :5S " 1:95 " Aite'.vta. Outlen 10i30 " 5:80 " Salt bake IH55 " 0s55 " 1'ocatullo 4,45 " Hurthcr liiforiaoilon apply to W. W Wood'.ldo.Airoiit. OdelPs Studo FOR Successor to THOMAS & ODKLL Goal and Wood go, m .Successor to J Johnson & M.Maurlli n I M, Mauritzcn, I James Larsenr I Proprietors. I Dealers In all kinds of Coal and Km- I tiling wood. Oillce :W West Center I street I TELEPHONE 10SK. Prompt delivery nnd 2,000 pounds to every ton, guaianteed. Pickett and Beck iiWsEnoEiN(; EXCLUSIVELY 1 U; 0. Foundry building Como once and j on 1 1 1 I come again I Utah Mortgage Loan ML Corporation. W Tithing Office corner, logan, Ltah H has plenty of MONEY AT H ALL TIMES for X FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Cnnum- i slons charged jSJ Hans S. NIELSON 1 Livery and Feed Stable Good Teams, New Rigs, for any service Catijun KB rigs :i spcclaltj. KS Hacks meet all Trains. Guarantee Prompt Servk-i- flM At old st'ind 1st North St raj 'Phone 61. n WINDSOR HOTEL, Je SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MW Centrally located. South of Kcnyon H Hotel, Main street. European plan Ol Rates reasonable. Stato trade solid- cd. Hates TiO cents and up. p |