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Show I NEW ZEALAND LUCKY STONES I Englloh Race Track Habitues Eager to Possess Them. I SInco It was discovered, after St B Amant won tho Derby, that his own- er, Leopold do Rothschild, carried a I Now Zealand "lucky stone" in his I pocket, among tho smart set there K has bocn quite a run upon Bond street I Jowclers for them nnd they have been I much in evidence at tho Ascot meet-fc, meet-fc, lngs. But those who have displayed bklf such eagerness to possess themselves h of this omblcm of good fortuno lose ' sight of the fact that Leopold de , Rothschild's faith In Its efficacy was not sufficiently strong to induco him to run St. Amant for tho Grand Prix and risk another encounter with Ed-mond Ed-mond Blanc's horses, Like his French opponent, tho sporting scion of tho houso of Rothschild backs his Judgment Judg-ment and not IiIb luck. However, fashionable Joweters aro catering to tho popular fancy by laying In a stock of theso pretty translucent green stones, carved to represent acorns, shamrocks, pigs, ducks and other various va-rious fantastic creations, and It is not unlikely that thoy may "catch on" across tho Atlantic. The natlvo name glvon to the stono In Now Zealand Is "Pounamu" and geologists know It ni a species of sladc. The Maoris usually usual-ly wear It suspended around their necks, and when thus carried It is I known ns tho "Hel Tiki," or neck H god. They crodlt It with marveloui I powers against ovll ns well as great potency in bringing Its ownor good luck. |