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Show A GREAT SCHOOL. The recent catologueof the Ilrlgham Young College of this city proclaims It a great institution of learning, an institution of exceeding worth In the lines handled by Its faculty numbering number-ing a total of forty-three. It has already done a great and good work for the youth of Cache Valley and each succeeding year added courses more extensive equipment and additional ad-ditional convenience In the way of room enables the Institution to more nearly approach the ideal of Its founder, found-er, the lato President Young. According Ac-cording to the catalogue the following courses are ottered' Classical course, four years. Science course, four ears. English course, four years. Normal course, four j cars. Kindergarten Normal course, four j ears. Iluslnesscouise, four years. Agricultural course, four years. Mechanic Arts Louise, four jears. Domestic course, four jears. Course in music, four years. Preparatory engineering course, four years, Short business course, three jears. Shoit domestic course, three years. Short klndergaiten course, lluec years. Missionary couise, one jear Preparatory course, one jeai. The Classical courso is oirered for those who desire a culture training. This course is adopted for those who expect to do adiancert work along the lines of English and other modern languages, history, antlnopology, sociology, law, medicine. The Science course is ancxcellent preparation for college and university courses In English as well as n the sciences. The principal aim In the Noimal course Is to qualify students for the profession of teaching. The (Justness couise Is designed to prepare students for commercial busi-iicjS busi-iicjS pursuits, and furnishes the necessary neces-sary technical training In penmanship, bookkeeping, stcnogiaphj, tj pew tit-lug, tit-lug, commeicial ailthinctlc, comnur-ci.U comnur-ci.U law, political cconomj, uii government, and the other branches usuallj ollered In a business ccunsi The Agricultural course otitis excellent ex-cellent opportunities to those whii do not expect to continue theli ideation idea-tion bujoud the high school, and who wish to receive some practical Instruction In-struction to accompany the usual theoretical subjects of such a couise The Mechanic Arts course Isoutllned especially for those who wish practical practi-cal training in carpentry or forging, hi addition to the usual high school sudjects In English, mathematics, history, his-tory, and civics, and theelementaiy sciences. The Domestic courses arc ollered In order that joung women may have the opportulty of obtaining a good training, train-ing, not only In the dlstlnctlie subjects sub-jects of a domestic course but also In English, In mathematics, hi history and chics, and In the natural sciences. The Preparatory EngineeringCourso Is olfcied to glo tho preparation that Is needed for admission to ch II, mechanical, me-chanical, mining and electrical engineering en-gineering courses. The Short Huslnes couise furnish es tho necessary technical training to qualify students for positions as accountants ac-countants and stenographer, and is equal to the regular business icrse oHeied nj commercial schools Tho Missionary course is espt.ialij arranged to meet tho needs of those who have been called by the Piosi-dency Piosi-dency of the Cnurch to prepare for Immediate missionary service. Tho Preparatory cotirso Is outlined for j ouni; men and joung women who, through force of circumstance, have been prevented from preparing them soviet for entering the high school until they have arrived at such an age that It would be a serious waste of time to work In the grades of the public schools The school has everything to commend com-mend It to joung men and women desiring de-siring to take the courses ollered. The faculty Is capable, the buildings adequate, grounds arc charming, the college life Is attiactle, and the results re-sults obtained from scholarship in the institution of the best. The claims of the Institution may well arrest the attention of students and parents. |