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Show ALL "GENTLEMEN" IN AMERICA. Man'r, Own Fault If He Does Not Deserve De-serve the Title. Neither a poor man nor a rich man Is or can b'o "a gentleman" In Ameri-en, Ameri-en, In tho sense of the terms as usci In a monarchical country or under an nrlstocrntle system of society, snys tho New York Sun. The word "gentleman" "gentle-man" Is unknown In our law. In tho sense of expressing moral qualities, the only sense In which It can bo used here, (ho term "gentleman" applies, of course, to every man entitled Intrinsically Intrin-sically to receive It as a designation of courtesy; but even In that usage It Is a term so vague nnd Indefinable that It is not worth talking about. It may bo said, however, never to apply pioperly to any American who boasts of being a "gontieman" because of any accident of his mere material circumstances, circum-stances, or to any American who Is troubled In mind lest, on account of them, ho should not receive the title. If anybody In America 1b not a gentleman gentle-man It Is ills own fault. |