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Show The Logan City Schools Hi f . Close with Grand Flourish at Tabernacle after a Successful Year's Work. W IV ' - - --The-Logan, city schools graduated forty-se'ven pupils this year,' and the .attendant exercises at the Tabernacle Friday evening were of the usual pleasing character. Bright, happy, expectant faces occupied the rostrum, and hundreds of friends and relatives were present to do honor to these our corning great men and women. Decorations Deco-rations were profuse, the music delightful, de-lightful, the spotless white of the girls' apparel charming, the freshness and keen Intelligence of the graduates o pleasing, that a glamour was cast ' over the scene, and none present could , V b"t enter Heartily into this, one of the greatest and longest-remembered occasions oc-casions In the life of the student. Logan City has ever been and still Is proud of the boys and girls who have completed their common-school work, 1 and on this occasion the people showed their appreciation In their attend-, attend-, t ance, attention, and enthusiastic ap- &T plauso of the various numbers on the programs. And It Is a most gratify ing fact that there was not given a single number which did not merit liearty applause. Tho boys and girls, In their music and recitations, were delightfully pleasing, a credit to themsolves, their tcacheis, parents and friends. Tho program as rendered was as follows: Orchestra. Invocation Mr. Orson Smith Salutatory 'cttle Turner Shool Chorus, "Beauteous Day." Recitation- "Tom". .Geo. T. Langton Piano Solo,' "La Somnambula"... ! .Julia Hendricks ' "Recitation, "Too Utterly Utter" MaeCornwcll School Chorus, "Homo from the Woodland." i Recitation, "The Knight's Toast" J Alex Preston Duett! "Merry Ulrds" Ihm Thaln and Olive Ciessall Oichcstra. Recitation "All Is Well" Helen Groesbcck : i J Violin Solo Miss PhyllsThatchei fl T Recitation, "Parhasslus and tho ' Captlvo" Joseph E. Otte 1 School choms, "Happy Homo." U Recitation, "Quako Strong" ' Gustavo Fjoldstrom J Valedictory....... -. Herbert Nebeker i v. Address to Graduates '.. '"" v Prof. Wm. M. Stewart Conferring of Certificates Pres. II. ISuHen Benediction Fred Crockett Orchestra. The praise of any particular number would be but criticism, for all were exceptionally well. The address by Prof. Wm. Stewart, head of the State Normal school, was replete with helpful thought, elegant phraseology and Inspiration to both graduates and the Immense audience present. Among other things Mr. Stewart referred to tho blessings of children, the greatness and glory in possessing them, the fondness for them and pride in their achievements. Ho urged that the boys and girls appreciate ap-preciate their glorious opportunities. In Mr. Stewart's opinion the western country Its ruggedness, towering peaks, vast plains and gicatness in a natural way isln itselfoneofthe greatest great-est inspirations and Incentives to the best endeavor. As tho students see the peak rear Its head aboo the surrounding sur-rounding country, so they are inspired to lift themselves abovo the Ignorance, vice and crime of the world. Mr. Stewart's talk was a most happy one and highly appreciated by all. Mr. II. Uullen Jr. In presenting the diplomas to tho gaduates congratulated congratu-lated them and their parents, and urged them to stick to thelOlass motto "Light andTruth,"and It must necessarily cause them to triumph In the future as In the past, Mr. Uullen paid a glowing tribute to Miss Cas-sidy, Cas-sidy, principal of tho Woodruff, and mentioned that she had been returned for another year. At this tho pupils enthusiastically applauded. Those who weio piesentcd with diplomas, di-plomas, or certlUcates of graduation, are as follows: Edgar IUossard. Gustavo FJeld-strora, FJeld-strora, Amnion Hatch, Reese Howell, Hiram Hanson, Georgo Langton, Herbert Her-bert Nebeker, Shirley Nebeker, Joseph Jo-seph Otte, Alex Preston, Carl Petersen, Peter-sen, Corbett RItcr, Wesley Smith, Ephralm Sorcnsen, Clarence Wyman, Lester Williams, Edna Brassard, Blanche Benson, Mao Cornwell, Pearl The Graduates (Continued fiom First page ) Curtis, Winnie Cole, Olive Cressall, Gladys Davis, Gwcnnle Davis, Irma I Gritlln, Helen Groesbeck, Jnlla Hen- s drlcks, Neveva Haws, Crlstlno Hatch, Hlima Jonsson, Lcttlc .Tcppcson, Myr- 1 tie Johnston, Anna Lund, Florence Machln, Nettle Newberger, Veda Nielsen, Veda Parkinson, Rachel Par- Sr , tlngton, Zettle Ricks, Amoretta Rich, . Sallna Ruclitl. Myrtle South, Gertrude Smith, Pearl Stratford, Zettle Turner, Inez Thaln, Wanda Tarbct. C |