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Show ACCIDENTALLY HANGED. A riillaitclpliln Child Mnti with a Ctlrlotn Mishap MrAiiglmt by Hnr Clothe. Hanging from a hole In the wicker coach In which she had been sleeping, Mrs. Jeremiah J. Huck yesterday evening even-ing found her lG-month-old daughter. Jessie, dead, but wlthrthe warmth of life still lingering In hcr-tlny body, says tho Philadelphia Hecord. Mrs. Buck lives with her husband at'No. 2601 Tioga street, and It was when her husband had returned from his work that the mother went to awaken the child and discovered the accident. Her screams quickly brought assistance, and an Investigation In-vestigation disclosed tho fact that the baby's death was the result of one of .the most peculiar accidents on record, Tho little one had been placed In the old coach during the afternoon to tako a nap. The coach was In trie second story front room, and for some time hnd been the baby's sleeping place. It was about six o'clock when Mr. Iluck returned re-turned home from his work and osked for Jessie. Mrs. Huck completed her preparations for supper and went upstairs up-stairs to waken the child. To her surprise sur-prise tho coach seemed empty, and she called Jessie, thinking she hnd gono to hide, as shi had done before. Hecelvlng no reply she looked closer, and In the dim light saw what seemed to be a bundle bun-dle jirotrudlns from n hole In tho wlck-erwork wlck-erwork nt one end of the coach. Tho now frightened mother hastily procured a light and to her terror found that what she supposed wns a bundle- was tho naked body of her baby girl, Ranging Rang-ing by her nrm pits. Her clothing, bundled bun-dled up nbout her head, hnd evidently smothered her, while preventing the entire en-tire body from slipping through tho hole. Tho child hnd probnbly been restless rest-less In her sleep nnd had gradually worked her body through the broken wlclterwork Until stopped by tho clothing. cloth-ing. The little one's arms were stretched nbove her head and she had evidently been prevented from mnklng nn outcry that cpuld be, heard. Snatching the still warm body In hor arms Mrs., .Huck ran screaming down stairs. Neighbors sent for Dr, Schwartz, nnd the little onejs body wns bnthed In mustard wat,er. Artificial respiration was also tried, but nil efforts were useless. The child wkb dend. Jessie wns n very pretty, golden-haired golden-haired girl, the pet of the neighborhood, nnd her tragic death crented qulto a sensation. |