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Show HYDE PARK CACHE JCT. Items of Interest from both of these Suburban Town. i II y tie Park. The schools have been enjoving themselves Hie last few davs in line stjle. Tho commencement exciclses were held Wednesday, June 3, and were tilled with billllancy and Intelligence. Intel-ligence. The audience manifested this by Its frequent plaudits and attention. Never In the histoty of Hjde Park has such Intense Intctest in education been manifested. The house was ciowded and during the lcndition of the piogram not a sound was heard that would be to Its detriment. detri-ment. The solos, as pla.ved by Piof. Chas. Harilsof Logan, gave such satisfaction sat-isfaction that a second cncoic was given. Prof. Harris handles his violin with great pleasure to the audience. Another Important featuie was a ttio plajed on brass Instruments by E. II. Llndquist, .las. S. Hanccy and Jessie Hanccy Piof. Chamberlain's icmarks were select and pointed. Prof. Mullen, in a decided and pointed manner addiessed ad-diessed the audience and graduates, conferring the ceitilicates upon the giaduates, who wcie: Orval L. Lee, Jonathan Heeder, John Seamons,Hen-ry Seamons,Hen-ry Hanccy, Jr., LilllcMikklcscn, Ettie Petersen, Sylvia Hymas.Eva S. Woolf, Mary Thtuston, Miss A. Jorgensen. Thuisday the two lesser schools en-Jojed en-Jojed themselves In a dance. As one of the little fellows said in telling one of his playmates who was unable to attend: "It was the best dance we ever had. Why we had three round dances." The night was given to the adults for the same purpose and a good time must alvvaj s be had under the auspices of Principal Geo.S. Dailies. Friday the schools sojourned to tNc" grove and spent a day In good hard fun, which ended the cxeiciscs. It is evident fiom the conduct of the giaduates and students that a good corps of teachers has tutored their minds. Mr, Gcoigc S. Dallies lias shown gieat prudence in tho management man-agement of our schools tho past season, sea-son, while Miss Holliday and Miss Grant have shown no lack of ability In governing the lesser grades. |