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Show ALL BUILT WITHOUT NAIL8. Peculiar Construction of Dwelling Houses In Burma. In llurma a dwelling house In built without a nail. It la hung on four upright posts of teak or bamboo j seven or eight feet from tho ground the planking of tho lloor Is tied to tho up-rlKhta up-rlKhta with rattan; the walls aro tnado of split bamboo plaited Into beautiful and fanciful patterns. The roof consists con-sists of tho leaves of the toddy palm, which havo been soaked In salt water to make them Insect-proof. There aro no wluilows, but largo (laps of tho plaited bamboo walls aro raised in the daytime to admit light and air. The hoiiHO consists, In the caso of the poor, of only ono good-sized room, but when there are several cnnmoern me) lead off from the common room and aro separated from it by partitions of plaited bamboo. These aie generally raised one ot two feet from tho floor of the common room, hut In no caso Is one lloor above the other In a Hurmese house, it being thought a great Indignity tt have any one's feet over one's head. The tlintchnd roofs aro highly Inllammnble and leaning against every thatched house may bo secii a long hooked stick with which to pull tiff the roof should It catch fire |