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Show Hotssecleaning I Use borax or ammonia In cleaning t woodwork and windows, and you fy lighten the labor and get better results. Protect furs and woolens from moths by the liberal use of camphor gum or moth balls. The expense Is slight and saving may be great. Marred furniture polish, and there arc dozens of places where paint, stain, enamel or varnish will beautify. Wc have paints, varnishes, var-nishes, etc., In little cans all ready for the bmsh, and we sell them at bottom prices. RITER BROS,' DRUG GO, Logan, Utah Franklin, Preston and Mont- peller, Idaho. 7 'jjSsi Generalities. SHOES SHINKD FOR 5c. AT "CITY SHOE STOltE." tf Mrs. Harrott has been quite 111 for several days. Kalsomlning and white-washing Albert J. Barrett, N. 5th West. Miss Kathcrlne Smith leaves on Monday for a year's stay In Pennsylvania. Pennsyl-vania. Lost An Ice wool shawl. Finder please leave it at this olllce. A large number of Cache valley people peo-ple went to Hrlgham yesterday on the excursion. Lost On Center street, a good, new lap-robe. Lost Tuesday night. Please return to tills olllce and be lewaidcd. John Archibald, of Wcllsvlllc, returned re-turned about one week ago from a two years mission In Scotland. His labors were principally in Glasgow and other large cities in Scotland. Ladies should see Mrs. Carpenter and learn of a home treatment and save much worry and suffering. Lo- icatcd at Lincoln Hotel. An agent of the Sidney Stevens Irn- plemcnt house sold four of the famous "Hawkcyc" hay-loaders in Mcndon last Tuesday. The Stevens people say that the loaders will speak for themselves. Wanted An experienced school teacher to teach the third and fourth grades the coming school year. Apply Ap-ply Hoard of Trpstees, Providence School District. $2.50 is all that is ieiuired in cash to become a share holder In the Koch-dale. Koch-dale. Your Dividends will pay the balance, $22.50. Dividends arc paid according to amount of puichase. 55tf IF YOU DESIRE TO KEEP COOL in hot summer days, buy your Ice of the Spring Pond Ice company. Phone 107k. Oidcis tilled with piomptncss and fice delivery. 58t8 The next ijnaitcrly conference of the Hyrum Stake of Zlon will convene In Hyrum on Sunday and Monday, .Iune2(i, 2", 1!)04. A good attendance is earnestly deshed. W. C. Paikln-son, Paikln-son, Geo. O. Pitkin, I. C. Thoreson, Stake Presidency. i For your summer hosiery at lcason- k. 4 able pi ices call at C. & M. Co. " Sidney Stevens, the head of the Stevens Implement company of Utah and Idaho, was In Cache county the past week looking after the Interests of the company. Ho left feeling perfectly per-fectly satlstletl with the condition of his houses in this locality and thinks that Cache valley Is O. IC. Lost Tluee-yeai-old bay mare.star in foiehead. branded - on right thigh. Finder will be reaso K nably rewarded. reward-ed. S. II. Houndy, Benson. I Dr. W. Y. Cioxall and Messrs. E. P. Bacon and .1. C. Walteis, with "rela tives and friends," spent Wednesday up Blacksmith fork. They wentabovc the forks, and say there wcic not less than thirty other outfits In that vlein ity. The pleasant feature of it all was that cvernbody seemed to be able to catch tish. If you deshe a good summer suit at a reasonable price don't fall to consult C. & M. Co. The race for the Hnyball piano to be given away on June :io has been a very pret ty ono so far. Threo schools, the II. Y. C, New Jersey Academy and Benson have put forth strenuous droits to seciuo enough otes to land lr, the prl.o, and tho thico have kept "tf'vf' closely together, the number cicdited to each varying no moio than 200 or IIOO each week. Thcio lemalns but a short time now until the drawing closes and of course thoic will be some tall hustling among the friends of each school. C. V. Hansen hangs paper. Gfltf Uriah Browcr, of Lcwlston, came to Logan yesterday. Fishing tackle at Harris Music store. (14 13 Watch the advertisement for the selling of horses at an early date. New styles In straw hats and summer sum-mer shirts at C. & M. Co's. Henry Aslicroft, of Hyde Park, was In Logan Thursday. Good Limb for sale at the Sugar Factory. Thomas Kirby, of Treasurcton,lda., is In Logan. He states that the crops never looked better In that locality. Wash suits and skirts In linen, duck etcrmlne at C. It M. Co's. The Drs. Parkinson have opened up an oftlcc at Wellsvlle. Dr. W. 15. Parkinson Jr., will be stationed theie. Finest selected fishing tackle at the Harris Music Store. H4U Four looms to rent. No. 302 West Center street. Apply at residence. A. II. Thompson's line residence on East Center street Is progressing nicely. nice-ly. From present appearances it will be a handsome place. It is the II. &G. Corset that gives style, comfort and duiability. C. & M. Co. Is tho only place they can be bought. The contiact for building a cement culveitover Ilallard Springs on the county road In the south has been awarded to Joseph E. Wilson, Jr., the bid being $!).05 a cubic yard. Work Is to begin at once. WANTED-To sell McCormlck mower cutter bar, tongue, neck yoke and thiec knives. Price $5. Apply at this olllce. WholsAnthon PehrsonV Why. he Is the proprietor of "Cherry Lawn" farm, on Canyon road and he now has ripe strawberries, tlucc inches In diameter. dia-meter. Orders taken at the farm, or P. A. Nellsen Si Son's. (I4t2 The hoiscs that aic to be sold at auction in this city during the present pres-ent month are such as will make good driving and riding animals. I They will be sold without any reservation reser-vation whatever. Watch for the date of sale In future issues. For Photos go to Harrison,successor to Fries studio over U. O. store. 50-ti8 Reports from King are to the effect that Benson ward is Increasing its population rapidly. Two boys were born this week, the ilrst to Mrs. Alex Parsons, and the other a full-fledged Republican at the home of T. II. Reese. All's well. It Is also reported that the hay crop Is excellent. Carl J. Olson & Son are doing the paper-hanging for Lundstrum Furnl-tuie Furnl-tuie and Carpet company. 59t8 About ten days ago the beets In some parts of tho county were not up to the average of what they should have been, undoubtedly caused by the exceptional cold and wet weather that has prevailed for some t Imo past. Recent reports are more favorable. Since the warm weather set in theie isamaiked improvement in the out-! out-! look. For sale A line seven loom brick house one and a half blocks north of the I!. Y. College. For sale cheap. Apply to David Reese. 2t The Hie depailrnent was aioused from its June-time lassitude Friday morning to squelch a the in the Hei- man Johnson cafe, Palace building. lteloic the appaiatus anived, some I young fellow had used a small hose at- I tached to the Wadimtn Si Huinham I hydrant and put out the Hie. It is not known Just how the blae started as it was an outside door and sill that was binning. The blac was gaining consldeiable headway and but for prompt action must have lesulted set- lously. The little house in the paiadc has tlrst prize. Call on A. L. Skanchy & Sons befoic building and get some nice design. We are lcqucstcd to announce that the windows of the Consolidated Wagon Wag-on Si Machine Co. have lecenlly been thoioughly cleaned. It is now possible pos-sible to see entirely tlnough the glass. Tim Uki'Uiil.iuan feels inclined to add that the peculiar dimness of the light occasioned by the deposit of sediment sed-iment on the glass Is not the result of dilatory action on the part of manager man-ager or employes but moie to the press of business which the cntlie force has been pushed to handle. Slimmer wearing apparel for men, women and chlldien at C. & M. Go's two stores. Pai ties Intending to go to Albcita for the purpose of piuchaslng land will do well to call at this olllce. Wo aic piepaied to oiler them some bargains. bar-gains. Plats and other Information on llle at this olllce. Pmcliascs can be made on the Installment plan. Prices fiom $:i,00 to 7.00 per acie, Inleiestat six per cent. The value of the land will surely Incicaso one bundled per cent within the next four years. Location Lo-cation of the lands near lailioad, good coal $:t.00 per ton. Parties should call without fall. A Slaughter ! Embroidery, Laces AT THE U.O.'s Great Sale WHICH BEGINS TODAY. Not a sale of a few Items, but every piece In these vast stocks" marked down to meet this occasion, with the greatest strength of value giving that an possibly be put forth. Valenciennes lace, edging and Insertionthe Inser-tionthe entire stock divided Into six great sale lots. Up to fi cent values go In this great salo at :Uc Up to 10c values go In this great sale at " Jc All our 12Jc and 15c grades olfered now at 10c Up to 20c qualities will go now at 15c The 2fic kinds, and theie are many to choose from, at lfc Grades that sold at :iOc and :t5o go nowal 20c Read big ad on Inside Page of this issue. Fred Petersen, the painter, has moved to 25!) West Flist South street. SILK AND RIBBONS SOLD AT HALF PRICK AT JOHN II. ANDERSON'S. AND-ERSON'S. :t Mrs. Watkln Reese leturncd fiom Seattle a few days ago. Her health is much Improved since she left Logan. The Harris Music Co. Is shipping two pianos and live organs to Idaho this week. That's right, Idaho tiade will help to build Logan, Utah. Fon Salic Fine surrcy.almost new, a bargain. Dr. R. J. Smith, Smltliticld, Utah. Wantkd Contractors for the building build-ing of a sidewalk along side hill above Deseret mills. For further Information Informa-tion call on Fred Turner. Just arrived a complete and elegant line of Ladles' up-to-date Oxford Ties and Low Shoes made by Utz & Dunn, City Shoe Store. lfltf Chas. M. and Frank Harris, with Weston Vernon, returned fiom their northern trip last night. While absent, ab-sent, they visited Rexburgj St. Anthony, An-thony, Egan Bench, and Teton city. Their trip was a profitable one in a business way. They leport that a heavy frost nipped much of the vegetation vege-tation last week, but it is thought that the damage will not prove as serious as it llrst appeared to be. We are exclusive distributor of the Miller shoes, that guaranteed kind. C. & M. Co. There arc two things at which the aveiage Methodist preacher is the peer of his fellowmen eating chicken and making long prayers and now the local Methodist preacher comes out as a candidate for honois In the matter of llsh stories. He says that himself and wife, a party of live, among whom was Piof. Drj den, were up the left Folk of Logan canyon Wednesday and caught 150 nice trout. The minister vouches for this and states that they langed fiom one pound down. This caps the climax so far and must stand as a recoid until other icports are made, but It's pietty haid to believe that a party ofvhlch a Methodist minister is a member could swear enough to catch 150 llsh in a day. When it Is undci stood that Pi of. Dryden caught no less than 82 of the 150 the story does not seem so Improbablenot Im-probablenot that Prof. Dryden swcais, but that he is such a success at everything he undertakes. Dryden simply hopnotled the little lishes. G. Gcsscl, the brick maker of Cache county, will have an abundance of bilck in ten days. tf Miss Leah Daniels, daughter of Electiician Daniels of this city was ciowncd Queen of the Elks carnival at Piovo Wednesday. As the Daniels family is coming to Logan soon to make their home, Logan people may be pleased to read the Tilb's report of the coionatlon: "Preceded by a sextette sex-tette of (lower girls and followed by her maids of honor, Miss Daniels made her way fiom tho carriage over a path stiewn with loses to the throne within the midway. Here, with impiessive ceiemonles, Mayor Roylance of Provo placed the crown upon her head and dcclaied her queen of the carnival. When the coiona tlon ceiemonles were ended cheer after cheer rang out from the assemblage. assem-blage. Miss Daniels looked every Inch a queen. She was beautifully attired In a ciepe du chine over white taffeta. She wore around her neck several strands of pcails, and her ciown was thickly studded with the same gems. She carried herself In a stately and dignified manner, and her beauty was lemaiked upon by all." The renowned R. & G. Corsets can be had at C. & M. Co's. All sizes and shapes from 50 cts. up. Silk coats and silk sults.latc'st styles and designs at ( & M. Co's. The new bowling alley on Center street at the old laundiy stand, opens with fiee games today Come eveiy-body. eveiy-body. Wanted -Potatoesat Hany Smurth-waltc. Smurth-waltc. Center stieel. 4t)ti Andrew Woolf, of Hyde P.nk, and John llcnson, of Newton, were making mak-ing purchases in town yesterday. Hosiery, largest and best line at C. & M. Co's. Ladles summer hose at 121 cts. . William T. Kiiovvlcs will return to his post at Lima, Montana this morning. morn-ing. He has been in Logan .for two weeks. Can vou take boardeis June 20 to July 2y If so send In your name and address to the Hrlghain Young College. Col-lege. " Chas. Nibley Jr., who has been visiting vis-iting his relatives in Logan for the past ten davs, expects to lotuin to Star valley next Monday. Don't forget thatC. Ar M. Co. cany the Peeiless uiidermuslins at popular prices. Some ol the beet laiseis in Lewis-ton Lewis-ton are plucky. On man had ten acies replanted on Thuisd.iy, making the thlid seeding this season. Homeseekers We will show vou how to get a home, or pay oil loan on your pioperty. 11. A. Pi:m:ittKN At Co. The gaideueis In our iielghboiiug town Piovldencu feel highly elated over their abundant crop of stiawber-bles. stiawber-bles. There never was a better yield than this year. Our shoes aic best and most reliable In Northern Utah. 0. At M. Co. Mr. Will Read, for the past four years section foicman in Logan, has rcmoTcd to his homo at Siiilthlleld' His position has been tilled by John Wcstover, formerly of Mcndon. For Ladles' latest styles In Oxford Tics and Low Shoes notice our windows. win-dows. City Shoe Store. (I3tf Mrs. Caroline Holbrook of Bounti-ful, Bounti-ful, Davis county, and one of the pioneers pio-neers of the State, Is in Logan for an indefinite time visiting fi lends and relatives. The lady is accompanied by her son, Jos. II. Holbrook, of Star Valley. Hlsliop A. L. Schanky, of the Sixtn ward of Logan, who has been on a mission in Scandinavia for three years, has been requested by the First Presidency Presi-dency of the church to l email) on his mission Until the Stockholm1 meeting house is completed It will possibly be September before the Hlsliop reaches home. According to statistics the average passenger rate in the United States Is now 2.01 cents per mile, and fiequent-ly fiequent-ly for special occasions the rate is less than J cents per mile. This doesn't apply to the O. S. L. latcs tendeied Cache Valley people at Conference. Occasionally a little bunch of people can get a fair rate, but when lots of people can be bilked the O S. L. keeps up Its price. Cache Val'cy people peo-ple will get onto this thoioughly some day and demand Justice The company of gentlemen operating operat-ing the line new pavilion at t lie coiner of Center and Flist East deserve a vote of thanks fiom the people of Logan, Log-an, and a heaity suppoit. Their elegant ele-gant structure improves a corner that lias been an eyesoie for yeais, and the boys aie going to such an additional expenee In the matter of laying sidewalks, side-walks, planting of tieesand shrubbery and the construction of lawns that instead in-stead of it damaging piopeity in its vicinity the pleasuie lesoit must necessarily nec-essarily shed a splendor over it The company has laid four-loot cement sidewalk entirely mound the building at their own expense and have also placed a curbing and built ditches of the same material. The place Is as attiactive as money can make It and the neatness, order and beauty of the place must have considerable influence influ-ence for good on the people who view It. Of course the place is quiet and oidcrly, such a rcsoit as may be pat-lonUed pat-lonUed without fear of the slightest unpleasantness. We believe that places of this kind should be patron-bed patron-bed and encouraged heartily. Fister and Nielsen to The Front. A man can't help some tilings, but if he weais whiskers it's his own fault. Wc say a dealer can't help some things but If he handles the wrong kind of harness 'Its his own fault, and that's no joke. Fister & Nielsen's harness Is known to eveiy farmer and i teamster In tho country; Its success is I no secret; It sells over the head of I other makes because It has the style land finish that all good drivers ap-I ap-I pieclate. Remember Fister & Nell-' Nell-' sen when In need of harness or a saddle. sad-dle. .l West Center Strct, Logan, Utah. British Police. Tho C0.940 police of the United Kingdom cost nearly 7,000,000 a sear Farmers' Headquarters I H Cache Valley implement and Produce Company O V R X K W A N D O L D H Buggies less than cost I NOW to make loom for our MILWAUKEE MOWERS AND jH RAKES. The best, lightest miming, and cheapest In the market. H Also Rlndcis, licapcisand Headers that are Acknowledged Leaders. H Our laigc stock of DISC PLOWS arc nearly gone. Call and get H the last and best. Examine The Climax Push Rake with Dutch Jumper and out DEERING HEADER before you buy. H Wc will deal you light and let you share in Hie Piotits. H 3 1-4 Wagons, $80.00 complete. M A huge stock of our MACHINE EXTRAS will always be kept on jH hand IN LOGAX. Call on us or our agents for what you want. H Cache Valley Implement & Produce Co. M VW For medicinal purposes liquors should be pure. The y purity of our liquors is above suspicion. They have the H 1 proper age, body mid character to make them especially 1 desirable for invalids. Prices always reasonable. , lH FINE WINES AND LIQUORS jl I For Family and Medicinal Use. I H CY E. NAPPER I 71) MAIN STREET, LOGAN. OLD SQUIRES STAND I H Servicable Underwear Something new in Summes Sweaters, Made to Order. M HOSIERY. All weights or L. !). S. Garments. H Docs ) our underwear give you good service? Does it always feel H comfortable? Lies it lit youV If not, recollect whcie ou purchased it. M Weaie pioud of our past iccoid for we know our custoineis are proud of M our goods. H Prices as per quality, exact mcasiiicments, pcifect lit, and goods with- jH out a flaw have built up our tiade. Join our happy throng of custoineis H and wear underwear that lends case and giace to every movement. M UNION KNITTING MILLS COMPANY. I M West Fiist North St., Logan. Utah. H FOR H Carpets and I Linoleum I LUNDSTROM I FURNITURE and CARPET CO. I From $400 to $10,000 We have. Fauns ami city homes on 0111 list fiom WOO to $10,000. Pilces and tcims to suit all and plenty of pioperty. tlO.ooo homo money to loan on good city and faim property. proper-ty. No delay, no red tape. Wo collect bad debts, notes and accounts. ac-counts. H. A.Pedersen &C Co Olllce over First National Bank E Logan House I fast Center Street. H MRS. WILCOX, Proprietress H Strictly Fiist-class. H Good Rooms. Good Beda H Every convenience. M First-class trado solicited. Com M I mcrcials especially. I M .. .... . ..,. r,B |