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Show MINERS I8SUE STATEMENT. Declare Responsibility for Lawlessness Lawless-ness In Colorado Lies on Shoulders of Citizens' Alliance. Tho oxccutlvo board of tho Wustorn Federation of Minors has Issued n statement rogurdlng tbo situation In Crlpplo Creek in reply to tho statements state-ments mado by Gcueial Sherman M. Dell and Secretaiy C. C. Hamlin ol tho Crlpplo Creek Mlno Owners' association. asso-ciation. Tho statement In mado that "tho responsibility for tho lawlessness lawless-ness conuoctod with tho contest rests entirely on tho shoulders of tho mine oporntora, tho Citizens' Alllanco and their allies, backed up by tho roady power of tho stato government" "Concerning tho explosion which wreckod tho depot at Independence and killed sixteen unfortunato nonunion non-union miners. It need only bo sold that tho self-confessed train wrecker, MeKInnoy, In tho employ of tho Mine Owners' association, hnd a fow days provlous beeu released from custody nt tho behest of tho attorney for the association nnd that this samo MeKInnoy MeKIn-noy was observed going down Potts canyon In tho lmmcdlnto vicinity ol tho wrcckngo only n Bhort tlmo nftor the disaster, nnd that tho bloodhound used to fodow the trail of tho criminal went directly to a house occupied by n dctertlvo in tho employ of tho Mine Ownors' association, nnd wa3 promptly prompt-ly called off. McKlnncy stated under un-der cross-examination during tho trlnl of tho union miners who wcro accused it tho attempted train wrecking thnt ho and other detectives did, that for a money consideration, he would pull spikes nnd wreck a train." Tho statement state-ment is mnile thnt the photographs of masked miners referred to by Gonornl Roll, were those of strlko breakers, nnd "woro kept for tho purposo of publishing a sen!) list with" tho pictures pic-tures of tho men accompanying their description, so thnt members of organ-l7rd organ-l7rd labor nil ovor the country would bocomo thoroughly acquainted with thoso men who hnvo committed treason trea-son to themselves and to their classes." |