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Show i "I Who Won? l.r H President Schurmnn said In bin ! ' AVJ Cbnittnuqua nddress: "The Filipinos f "iffAfl wanted religious liberty, personal IMhHsI freedom, freedom of speech nnd other i fl HV civil rights, n nntho legtslntlvo assent i'i'HH. lily, niul terrttutlnl homo rule, and !' THhI tleau nil hno bueu conceded to 1' HBJ them." By whom? .! Mr. Schurmnn strives to crcnte tho V Impression thnt fin hill for tho civil H government of tho Philippines was nn 'nl nutl-lmpurlallstlc measure, nnd Hint .'! In Its pnssngn the nntl-lmporlnllsts IiIVH- , won. What does he mean? 'iCHH tc-n H Does he menu thnt the men who to HJ call tliemsijMc'.antMmporlnllstB tho H Honro, the MasoiiH, nnd tho Democrats tMl generally who opposed tho Phlllpplno bill, won a victory when they wero 9 outvoted In Congress? Does ho menu ' fll that tho bill which granted tho Flllpl- il uos nil they nsked for, except Inilo- ', pendenco, wns framed by tho antt 'jf Imperialist llopubllcnns nnd Demo- ' ,t crnts In Congress, nnd that they com- ?''! pelted the regular Uepubllcnns nnd 4R the president to accept It? If not, who 1 nro the nntl-lmpcrlnllsts who won? 4jl Tho PhlHppino bill wns from first IfH to lust tho work of Republicans. Thero I'i'KI wcio differences of opinion, somo Re- il publican leaders favoring tho rccom- ')! meudntlons of Goornor Tnft and jH others dissenting, but tho differences -'fl wero hnrmonl7cd nnd tho bill was ' H passed by Republican votes. ! In tho Sonata tho speeches against ! tho bill wero mado by Domocrats and QH tho nntl-lmperlnllBt Republicans " 9l lionr, Mason and Wellington. Forty- - H seven senators voted for tho bill, all ll J Republicans oxcept one McLaurln of Hl I Soutii Carolina. Thirty sonators H voted against tho bill, all Democrats flH except Hoar, Mason nnd Wellington, fH who classed themselves as antl-lm- ! porlallstB. Il In tho Houso all tho speeches IH against tho bill wero mndo by Demo- IH crats, and all tho speeches In favor ot IH it by Republicans. On tho passago ot 1 tho bill 141 representatives, all Ro- , 11 publicans, voted yes, nnd nlncty-soven, t' lH all Democrats, voted no. .1 Tho bill framed by Republicans, . J passed by Republican votos, and X H agreed to by Republicans ot tho two fVl houses In conferonco, went to tho IMH president, tho foremost advocato ot H expansion, In all tho country, and was H signed by him. iffH Therefore Mr. Schurmnn must mean that tho "antl-lmpcrlallsts" who H aro known as Republicans and expan- Itl slonlstu won over tho "anti-Imperial- Ists" who havo from tho first opposed jH to tho rotontlon ot tho Philippines, H and who hnvo Intrigued and worked HH against American control ot the HHH In other words, Republican policy jH not Imperialistic, but distinctly and il robustly Amorlcan has triumphed, IHhI and tins given tho Filipinos all they H asked for. Just as Republicans claimed ffll It would In ISO'J and 1000. jjH |