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Show B Eravery of B. F. Jacobs H Carried Winter to Wounded Soldlors B On Fiercely Contojtod DrUtlotleld H Concerning tho Into Ilenjamln F. Hy Jacobs, the famous Sunday nciool H -- worker, a writer In the Chicago Post H "1 would like to mention a good nnd H daring leed performed by tho late H Benjamin F. Jneobn of this city, con- H coining which no reference was made B- In Iho lecently printed obituary no- H I tlceu of that worthy gentleman, fl "During the Hint day's fight h- H tweeu tho armies of Gens. Thomas H hiiiI Hood at N.islnllle, Tenn., Pec. l', l I8ti4. Mr. Jacobs and (I think) two H other gentlemen representing the H .United States sanltury commission H matched up and down the firing lino H of tho brigade of which the First Hi ISoatil of Trade regiment of Chicago H (Seventy-second Illinois Infantry) was H a part, with palls of water, and gnve to each hented soldier a cooling drink when ho most needed It. "For noncombntauts to do such a praiseworthy act In tho midst of a storm of bullets nnd shell was as bravo a deed as I over saw, and my regiment cheered theso men ngaln nnd ngaln. Mr. Jacobs was a tall man and slender, as I recollect him, nnd his long-tailed coat nnd big, brand-new brand-new tin pall made him a conspicuous mark for tho confederate sharpshooters, sharpshoot-ers, but he walked erect across tho Held of battle, anil 1 am suro bis genuine genu-ine Chrlstlnn courago provented' him from trying to dodgo the deadly missiles, mis-siles, which Is moro than I can say for tomo of tho rest of us who wore bluo uniforms. "I wish I know tho names of thn gentlemen who accompanied Mr, Jacobs Ja-cobs on thnt occasion." |