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Show Killed Signal Officer HBh First Shot of Jtvmos (liver H Campaign an Effective One H "('apt. Harnett's artillery shot at H Chlckamauga," said Comrade A. C. H ', Dobbs, "was a rcmatkahlu one, but the H navy has a good record lit that ' I line. On tho third of May, 1804. while H tho army of tho James under Ocn. H Duller was assembled nt Fortress H Monroe on board transports awaiting H orders to proceed up tho river to City H Point and Bermuda Hundred, the tug H Charles Cbnmberlaln, which had been H' f fitted up as a gunlxiat, was ordered H ' to proceed up the river la advance of B tho lleot, and, after puwilng I'owhat- ' tan Point, to drag the river for tor- "Tho tug was manned by a crew from U10 Now York naval brigade, 1 under command of Lieut. Harris of 1 the nuvy. About noon on May 4, when Hi between Fort Powhattan and Hard- H hoii'h landing, wo saw on tho left H bank of tho river ami about a half H A mile inlnnd n confederate signal station sta-tion or tower, on which a signal officer of-ficer wns operating with his flag. Tho crew wero called to quarters, and a shell from a six-inch Parrot rlllo was sent In tho direction of tho waving wav-ing flag. This exploded beforo reaching reach-ing its destination, and another shell with a longer fuse, was rammed homo and fired nt tho plucky signal officer, "This olllcer stood on the tower In plain view and kept his signals going. Wo know, of course, that ho was reporting re-porting to his superiors, nnd tho second sec-ond shot was aimed with tho greatest care. It strurk tho tower and man and towor went down together. This wns really the first snot fired In tho memorablo James river cnmpalgn." Chicago Inter 'Ocean. |