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Show BARTHOLIN'S BODY FOUND IN AN IOWA CORNFIELD. Murderer of Mother Hint Hnreetheurt CheitU llHiiKiHn hy litkliii; Ills Unit Life. The bouy of a man thought to be William llurtholln, accused of the murder of his mother and sweetheart In Chicago a month ago, was found in a field near Lowther, la., L'OO mile from Chicago. He had been shot Id the head aud a pistol lay nearby. In the roan's pocket was a letter confessing con-fessing to the murder of "two inomen' In Chicago, and oue sigued "Minnie Mitchell," the name of llarthollu't murderer fiancee. Nothing wus suid of the deuth of his mother, Mrs. Anna Ilnrtholln, whose body wus found in the basement of her residence In Chicago Chi-cago three weeks after tlie son lied. The town authorities at once noted thu ii-seiublauce the body bore to thu description of the Chicago fugitive. It was then that a more careful examination examin-ation was made, and the note confessing confes-sing the murders wns found. The towr authorities buried the body but It wil' be exhumed to remove nuy doubt us tc, the Identity of tlie suicide. Bartholin's note referred to the twe murders and declared that no one except ex-cept himself wns concerned in the commission com-mission of the crime. The note filled one und a quarter pages of letter pupei und was signed "Win. llurtholln." Other letters found on the body, were written two years ago und were signed "M. M." The Initials uro supposed sup-posed to stand for Minnie Mitchell. |