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Show How Russian Peasants Live. John Kon worthy's rocent book on ,J Tolstoi contains tho following de9crlt-tion de9crlt-tion of a Husslan peasant's houso: "Picture- a stoop-roofod, woodon cot-tago cot-tago of one room, say twenty feet square and nlno feet high, tho walls Insldo showing tho dressed logs stuffed hotween witli moss or tow; tho celling Is of hoards. Hound tho ', room, on threo sides at loust, runs a f wooden bench, used to sit, sleep or work upon; a email tnble stnnds In J tho middle.- In a corner stands tho nM henrt and llfo of tho houso tho sloyo I or oven, it Is a little room In Itself , usually about eight feet loiif. flvo feet I wldo and six high, with n ledgo nbout JM thiee fret high along Us sldo to nerva "W nB sent, lablo or step to help one climb ll to the top. Tho flat top to this stovo ' Is lu winter tbo sleeping placo of tho 'I privileged old people and children. To keep tho stovo burning und tho broad $ in it linking may b0 said to bo tho II life's labor of tho peasant family" WM |