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Show I I DRESS YOUR BUILDINGS H In n new coat of paint. m Even constricting tlic conscrva- H the value of paint as nothing, the m ji impiovcincnt In appeatancc alone m Is worth more than the cost. m If jour property is for sale jou H can't afford not to paint It will add H i live-to ten per cunt to the selling H Wo have studied the paint ques- H M Hon and wo know what will give B j the most sitisf.ictlon for the ex- H pendltme, and arc anxious to stip- H j pi 3011 with the latest grade of B paints and palntcis' supplies, and B I Insure full aluo foi every cent of RITER BROS, DRUG GO. B '( Logan, L'tah, Franklin, 1'icslon B )i and Montpellor, Idaho. H j I buy and H j Second - Hand Furniture. m J Stoes. Ilaby C.inlages, etc.. H E. PEAKE, H ! rJ Fiist North Sticct., Logan. I ' BBBB i l --"- ' I. H . . JOSEPH TARBET . . H . The l'luniher, at the Con , J I old stand I - - PLUMBING WORK - - B Done on shoit notice, with B satisfaction gii.uaiitccri.... f B 'j -CALL ON- HARR the Cigar Man H i 'A'heit You aic in SALT LAIC P. H No. 7 West 2nd South. I Palace Restaurant B AN I) Lodging House M -"WLLLIAM MACK. PROP. H ,j Evcijthlng New, Neat and Clean. bB '' . I ! REUNION, I CONFERENCE B t We wclcoinr t'onfeience vlslt- B ors to oui beautiful citj and B Vf hope 3011 will all h.ic a nice H J a time. H We Invite jou to call and B S see us and let us show j ou an up- B jfl to-d.ite H.ibciriashcrj. H M Wc hae some things of B i which wc are epeciallj pioud. B 5! Here aie a few of them: M K, WALK-OVKIt Shoes rut H 2 "e". ii M shoe foi tl ."it H f, QULILV QUALITY Shoe-. j B foi L ul Km, th m-t i t.oo ltoc on BBB; & caith. H n isaac ferris Little ! H p Gents' and Misses shoe-, lead fl them all. H We guai.tuluc pi Ices, tit, H llnlsh and ipialltv. If the H don't lit jou, ictiiin them and i m j get jour inoue I H In Clothing wc have the eel- H ) cbraled II. Kl'PPR.VIILIMRR M ' &CO.Sllue. Acknowledged In B ij all to he Ainei lea's leading line". f i And Kohn Kins Justli lenown- V cdG VYROt'K suits rot men M "( Wo claim for tinsel lues that B thej .lie the li.-st alue in the B S citj and (,'u uantee them shape- H retaining and st i h-tlj up-to-date B H t'liloi-iu.ide ainioiits. BBBj I 1 M.iKe oui hoj's heai t h.ippj i ' by bujlnj,' him one of our nattj, swell, Ooort class Suits and we B will kIo liim ,i how and ai row BBB with it. If jou havn't a boy we BBBj will lend jou one so joiicau BBB ; in.iko hi-, lio.ut happy. BBB Wc tako otf our hats to none 1 when It comes to Ties, Hats and BBV PuinishlUKs. Oui slock Is the BBp. bjst selected in tlic citj and wo BBJ will be pleassd to show l-,ltoi-, BBB thioiiKh, whethei they Intend to BB buy oi not. Call and sec us, wc BBB arc just uciovt the stiect fioin B , thoTabciiiacle Kiite. H , . Robinson Bros., H i ThcClothlcis 15 Main St. B LOGAN. I'TAII. j, I . BJBem BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbubbbbbbbbbbbbI Best Clothing cu n I s -f ' S' Latest Furnishings 27 Main Street Logan John Bench Dty Goods, Giocciks, Notions, etc. The Cheapest place In town for Pah" Ing, Wallpiper, and Paper Hanging. South MaluStieet, Logan B. & 0. THATClfl will be in their large store room on Center street next week and during the week will X receive j A Car Load of PIANOS I H. F. MILLER j INEEDHAM PIANOS ORGANS THE BEST IN THE WORLD EQUALS ANY ON MARKET 13 Main Street. HeadqiiatteiS for all kinds of Musical Mer- I chandlse. :i,000 pieces of Sheet Music Just received. ' -iilMflSi 111 I lJiJlri bf J BaaKBBIBHBVBIDMBBBKEBHMHBiHnaaMBMaHMMMHBniHBaBaaBBl Just Received s One Car of Zang's Pilsener Beer 3 Bottles for 50c. W. H. Htirst. ! "T IT'S HANDY, AND THAT'S WHY The Merril Handy Wagon Is the Handiest tiling jou ever saw. HVERYIIODY NEEDS ONE. Thej ate STHONG AND DURAHLE and me Handy, too. Ask vour neighbor about them. Don't forget tho place to buy the OLD 1IKLIAULE MOLINE PLOWS If jou don't have a Moline Disc Plow jou aic losing hair jour life. Foi prices and clicular vwlte to William Merrill RICHMOND, ja UTAH Capital and Undivided Profits, $65,000, Interest Paid on Time Deposits The First National Bank LOGAN, UTAH W. S. McCoiiMfii, Picsidcnt. Jas. Qiiayi.i:, 1st Vice Ptesldent. Allan M. Flkjiino, fasVoi. J. E. Shkiwud, Assistant. i I Com teotts attention given to all business cntiusted to them. lorclgn Dtatis united on all the ptlnclpal cities or tno world. |