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Show HE USED A TACK. How Undertaker Made Sure the Win Would Stick. As tho story goes, an Irish undertaker under-taker was la)lng out the docensod httB-band httB-band of a weeping Hibernian widow. Tho corpse woro a v ig, and It was very difficult to Induce It to stay on. straight, as wigs ought alwnjs to do, oven if thoy don't. Tho bereaved vvldqw was called In to assist. "Go an' git mo n pot of gluo, Mrs. McGov-orn," McGov-orn," said, the undet taker, "so that I mny keep his wig where it belongs." Mrs. MocGovcrn set out nfter tho sticking material, nnd after a tlmo ho returned. "Horo is the gluo for ye." sho said with n sigh. "Mrs. McOovcrn, )ou kin tnko back tho mticllngo," sila tho undertaker; "the difficulty Is llxed. I used n tack." Uuffalo Times |