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Show The New Bank. The Attlcles or Incoiporatlon or the Cache Valley Hanking Coinpait) vvcic tiled with the Count) Cletk on Monday ot last week and the opening of the new bank took place Monday, .Mine lStlt. The olllces or the Utah Moitgage Loan Coiporatloit have been entile!) icniodeled, modern bank llx-tines llx-tines have been added, and the new bank opens fot business under most favotablc conditions, and with assutances of a large pationagc. The stockholders ate for the most patt Utah men, In tact, Cache Valley capital controls the bank; still Eastern East-ern capitalists are sunlelently Intci-estcd Intci-estcd and airangemcnts arc alteady consumated, wheteby ample facilities areassutcd for all demands of legiti mate kinking and for furnishing capital capi-tal whenever lequlied fot the upbuilding upbuild-ing ot Cache A'alley and Utah. It might be added that all ot the furniture furni-ture of the new bank, as well as the llthogiaphlc work and the signs that adoiu the building ate products of Utah wotkmeu. A general banking business will be conducted, and a special feature is made or the Savings Department, vvheie deposits will be tcceived in amounts or One Dollar and upwards land Inteiest paid on same, compound-'ed compound-'ed fiuai tcrly. I The oillcers of the bank aie Thomas Oldham, ptesldent; Geo. II. Champ, I vice-president; A. II. Thompson, I second vlce-ptesldent; .1. U. Shepard, 'cashier, who with II) nun I la) ball, Wm. L. Allen and Fiank Knox from the dltectory. ! The general loan business of the Utah Mortgage Loan Coiporation t be conducted as heietofote In thelt itiaiters on Tithing Oillcecot-iioi, Oillcecot-iioi, but will be eutitcly sepaiate and distinct fiom that of the bank. I The business of this Cotpoiatlon was established in 1802, Incotpotated 18!l under the laws or the State or Utah and has steadily giown fiom )car to jeai until now It enJo)sthc laigest farm loan business of any concetti con-cetti In the State, and Is better pie-pated pie-pated than ever before to meet the demands of Its ciistoinets. The Utah Moitgage Loan Cotpoiatlon Cotpoia-tlon Is all times teady to aid in every possible way the advancement of Utah and hci people. |