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Show Dy Raft From Rio. Capt. I. Kiederlco Neves, formerly an ofllclal In the Hrnzlllan navy, writes to a friend In, New York about a novel nnd perilous trip ho Is to make from Rlir do Janeiro to New York. Accompanied by five Amazon Indians, In-dians, Capt. Kotos will Bet sail early t In Juno on n raft such as Is used on' tho Amazon river. Tho raft, which has been christened llinzll. Is forty feet long nnd ten feet beam. Tho only "protection which tho commander com-mander nnd his crow will havo will be n slanting roof, made of palm leaves. Two sails, ono aft and ono forward, will be put on the rnft. The excursion "will, It Is expected, take between three and four mouths, Several ports will bo made on the way for provisions. If tho Hrazil Succeeds la reaching her destination she will be sent to St. Louis as a part of Hrazll's exhibit at tho exposition. New York Sun. |