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Show HEAVY DAMAGE GAUSEOJY STORM Wind and Hall In Weber County Result in Big Lost. Ogden Juno 24 Danino estimated at several thousands dollars resulted from tho sovero wind and hall storm which swept in from tho lako to the north of Ogden this afternoon. While the storm was heavy In this city, tho principal damage was done :n tho farming far-ming sections north and cast of hero. Ileports from Ogden valley towns arc to the effect that In somo instances crops wero nlmost entirely destroyed by tho wind followed by a continuous fall of hall for n half hour. Throughout Weber county, where tho wind and hall wero less sevoro great benefit resulted from tho down-pour down-pour of rain. Tho precipitation was heavy In this city and to tho south. Tho full force of the storm, which was one of tho most severe over experienced experien-ced In this county passed to tho north at 2:30 o'clock. It was accompanied by much lightning, nlthougn no dam-ago dam-ago from this element has been reported. re-ported. In tho Ogden valley tho wind which preceded the hall uprooted largo trees and scattered tho hay which had been cut and remained In tho fields. At Huntsvllle men wero forced to work in the storm repairing tho bank of a largo irrigation canal which had been damaged by an uprooted tree. When the hall descended for a half hour tho crops which had escaped damage from the wind were beaten flat to tbe ground. A heavy rain continued for an hour after the hail and would have proven Invaluable to tho growing crops had it not been for the previous damnt',o In Huntsvllle and other valley towns tho damago to the property other than tho crops was slight. Ileports received hero by tho Southern Sou-thern Pacific olllclals Indicate that no damago resulted on tho lake. It rained rain-ed heavily from Montollo, Nevada, to Ogden, but the wind did not exceed thirty miles per hour on tho cutoff. |