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Show B Valuable Instructions For The V Boys' And Girls9 Poultry Clubs H H -I c Hogenson, In Charge B There Is much more satisfaction B an(1 greator possibilities In keeping some one ot tho Important pure breeds than In keeping mongrels. Puro H bred poultry means also a unlforsilty CJm f products. Tho Mediterranean;, or egg 1ro(Sds B are; Leghorns, Minorcas, SpanlBh, B Anconas, and blue lAadaluslans. Toe B American, or general purpose breeds B are: Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, 'B Rhode Island nods, J'avas, and Buck-B Buck-B eyes. Tho English breeds might also B bo classed In this groupe. Thoy aro: B Orpingtons, Dorkings, nnd Bod Caps. B Tn0 Asiatic or, meat breeds aro Brah-B Brah-B .. mas, Cochins and Langshans. B " For the boys In the poultry clubs or on tho farm whero tho chicks a to hatched and brooded by tho lions, tho I American breeds or Orpingtons aro B probably tho best. Tho Modltorranlan K breeds aro poor settors and cannot be depended on to hatch and brood tho chicks. Set hens In a cool, well ventilated place. A box six or eight Inches of damp boII In tho bottom and straw or hay on top of this for nest material makes a good nest tor setting hens. .Moyo, the hen to the nest at night and lock her In tho nest or test her on china eggs for two or three days. Set fresh eggs, or bo sure they are not more than twelve days old. Put thirteen to fifteen eggs under each hen. Dust tho hon freely two or three times with insect powdor during the first ten days. A dust bath (a box about 16x20 luetics deep half fulf of road dust and ashes) fresh water, grit and feod should bo provided. Whole corn and wheat aro good feeds for sotting honsi Don't fuss with, worry, or handle the hens while Betting give them pretty much tnelr own way. i Test all eggs on the soventh day, (Continued on page eight) , . Valuable Instructions For The Boys' And Girls' Poultry Clubs (Continued from page one) which often makes tt possible to' double dou-ble up the eggs and reset one of the hens. Bo sure that all 'eggs under each hen have been Incubated the Bame length of time. In warm weathor, a hen can care for flfteon to twenty chicks. Never mix chicks of different nges In the samo brood. Don't reed the chicks' until they nro 36 to 48 hours old. Confine tho hen In a largo flat box. or coop of somo kind until the, chicks 1 are old enough to bo woaned. Allow chicks to run free. Move this coop on to fresh ground occasionally. Be sure the soil Is dry. Moist or damp quarters are very detrimental to tho young chicks. Feed the first three day a mixture or equal parts or hard boiled eggs and bread finely) crumbled crumbl-ed and dry when fed, a little sand and finely ground charcoal Is also ben eflclal. Feed In a tray or shallow pan seven cr eight times dally. This feed should be gradually changed to cracked crack-ed grains. At about four days old tho chicks should bo fed In choppod straw or some other litter to Induce exercise. exer-cise. Moist foods when fed should bo placed In a dish of some kind and only a little at a time. Don't feed sloppy foods. Fresh water, plenty of grit, and green foods should be Available for the chicks at all times. Cracked corn, cracked wheat, pin-head pin-head oats and chopped barley (hulls removed) are excellent grain feeds for young chicks. A variety of feeds should be given. Some animal rood, such as eggs, beer scraps, milk or cottage cheese, should be fed each day. Spoiled food or musty food of tiny kind should never be given the young chicks. Cleanliness Is one or the most important im-portant considerations. The pens, all rood and water dishes and everything used about the chicks should be carefully care-fully cleaned quite frequently. As soon as the Utter becomes damp or soiled, It should be removed the surroundings sur-roundings cleaned, and fresh litter put In the pens. 1. Each contestant shall be between bet-ween 12 and 18 years or age. '2. Each contestant must take 45 eggs or some pure bred variety if possible, and place them under three hens, ir at the close or the seventh day there are found 15 infertile eggs, one of tho hens may he supplied with a rresh 15. 3. After the chicks have been hatch ed they must be kept with tho mother at least one month. 4. Each contestant must agreo to read carefully all instructions. 6. Each contestant must Keep a record re-cord or tho number or eggs broken, number hatched, and number or unbroken un-broken eggs not hatched. 6. Each contestant shall agree to conduct his work in an honest and fair manner. 7. In awarding premiums, tho following fol-lowing basis shall be used: (a). Largest per cent of eggs hatched 25 (b) . Largest per cent of chicks living liv-ing 3 months after hatched 25 (c). Composition on hatching and rearing chicks 35 (d). Most complete record on the cost of rowing and weight gained by the chicks 15 100 Byron Alder, Poultryman, - Utah Agricultural College |