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Show BB , OTMIflt ' ! I THE LOGAN REPUBLICAN B Published By The M LOQAN NEW8PAPER COMPANY, LOQAN, UTAH B OUIclal Republican Organ of Cache County, Utah M Entered nt the i'ostolllco oery Tuesday, Thurs- B day and Saturday, at Logon, Utah, aa Second Class B Matter. M SUBSCRIPTION RATE8 "By Mall ' One Year 13-00 I iM SU Months ..'. l-'O Three Month 90c By Carrier One Year ' 3.60 (Six Months 1-60 Three Months 76c sm i If Not Paid In Advance, Add 60 Cents Per Year Bl Subscribers wishing address or paper changed Bl will please give former ns well as present address. Bb AH papers are continued until' implicit order Is re- BB celved to discontinue All arrears must bo paid in Bl every case |